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Page 6 of Impossible Treasure

“It’s an honor, a privilege, and my small way to make a mark on this world.” Mercedes’ teal-blue eyes were deeply sincere. This lady was clearly a generous soul.

Mercedes grinned at Brylee and then turned to the military hero.

“Now … Let me introduce Captain Cash Trapper, special ops captain and creator of Healthy Life. He has established numerous gyms in inner cities throughout America where retired vets can exercise and spar free of charge, but even more importantly, to give back and work with at-risk youth. Cash believes instilling healthy lifestyle habits during childhood andteenage years will translate into success in other areas of their life, and we believe he’s right.” Mercedes beamed at Cash. “Well, just look at him. I’d subscribe to whatever theory he’s got.”

Shawn gave an audible grunt of disapproval, his blue eyes flashing.

“Thank you, Miss Belle.” Cash’s voice was warm, and his dark eyes softened as he met Mercedes’ shining gaze.

Brylee wondered if the two of them had a relationship or at least some history.

She glanced at Shawn. His jaw was clenched tight, and he glowered at Cash. So Shawn liked Mercedes and so did Cash? Brylee wouldn’t fancy watching the two men go at each other. Two bulls goring each other would likely be less intense. It was amazing they could stand feet apart and not automatically launch into a brawl.

Cash refocused on Brylee. He stepped forward and extended his hand to her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

He didn’t have a Southern accent, but he’d obviously lived in the South, or maybe his mama had simply raised him right.

Brylee pressed her hand against his, and as his warm palm melded with hers and his strong fingers closed around the back of her hand, she felt … surrounded by him. It was only a handshake, but it was an incredible moment. This was a man who would be there for the woman he loved. Not drop her like a hot rock because she had red hair.

Cash’s deep brown eyes captured hers. The smoky, compelling, and intense look in those soulful eyes was as incredible as his handshake.

Brylee launched into her professor voice. “I am delighted to make your acquaintance, fine sir, and look forward to intellectually stimulating conversation and the use of your superior muscle mass and military prowess to protect andinspire me on our shared perilous adventures to secure money for our noble and charitable purposes.”

His jaw went slack as she spoke, and his grip on her softened. He’d obviously recognized her heavy Southern accent earlier was a farce, but he hadn’t been prepared for high-handed sarcasm.

A deep laugh burst out of him, and she couldn’t resist sharing in his mirth.

“I think you and I will do just fine on our shared perilous adventures,” he said with a grin.

She’d gotten his approval. Yay! How soon would he regret it? Maybe the challenges wouldn’t be as sketchy as she feared. He could be the brawn, and she could keep him laughing. Maybe after a hard day of adventuring, they could get to know each other and she could touch one of those muscles, offer a shoulder massage? Hmm. His smooth, rounded muscles were … yummy-looking. Was he fascinated with Mercedes, or was that simply a kind look he’d given the famous lady earlier?

Brylee scoffed at herself. Men didn’t look at women like Mercedes with … kindness, more leering and desire for the most appealing and wealthy bombshell currently on earth.

In an airy voice, as if she were an advertisement for an emotional healing retreat, she said, “I am forecasting and delightfully envisioning only positive karma, clear chakras, and soul-edifying light on our mystical journey.”

Cash laughed even louder. Then he winked at her. Brylee felt that wink and that laughter clear down to her toes. He appreciated her accents and odd humor.

Releasing her from the handshake, he turned her to face Mercedes with a gentle hand on her lower back. Then he removed his hand from her back and slid his palm against hers, threading their fingers together. She looked up at him, startled.It was a bold move from someone she didn’t know, and it felt absolutely incredible.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Let’s face whatever challenge our saccharin-sweet host throws at us as a united team. Us against the world.” He paused and stiffened. Shocked by his own words?

She feared he would pull away. Bending around so she could meet his gaze, she was lost in the depth of his brown eyes. Smiling, she hoped he wouldn’t pull away.

“Forgive me …” He swallowed. “That was too bold.”

“You areridiculouslybold.” She hoped he could hear the teasing in her voice.

He smiled slightly, and she liked it.

Brylee arched up. Her lips brushed his jawline and made warm tingles spread through her. “I appreciate ya deeply,” she said, hoping he could see that she meant it. His support, his hand in hers, and his boldness lifted her. She could do this with him by her side. “Your team sounds like the most ideal spot in the world.”

They shared a smile that touched her clear through.

She hadn’t come looking for romance on this shared adventure, but this guy shouted ‘charming and appealing hero’ like no one she’d ever met.

Us against the world.He’d actually said that.

Cash smiled, his cheeks crinkling as he squeezed her hand. Then he straightened and faced the show’s creator and host, who was grinning so widely at the two of them she could’ve been a proud Texas ‘Mimi.’

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