Page 64 of Impossible Treasure
Brylee was all right. He had to see her, had to see for himself. Hold her, love her, kiss her. Brylee. She was all that mattered. Bossy friends? Shawn and Mercedes?
“I’m Mary. I’ll be your nurse until seven tonight and it’s only mid-afternoon. We’ve eased off the pain meds so you could wake up. Things will be a bit foggy for a while now.”
“Turn it off,” he demanded.
“The morphine?”
“Yes. I have to … be clear.” It was foggy, but not foggy enough that he could forget his purpose. Find Brylee. Tell her he loved her. Somehow … What? He still couldn’t promise her a long life together, a future of any sort.
But he had to see her, see for himself that she was all right, be with her, touch her. It was the only thing that mattered right now.
“Okay, okay.” Mary pushed some buttons. Then she gave him some more ice chips. “Now you just rest. We’ll work our way up to something exciting like juice or broth soon.” She winked at him, obviously happy he was doing so well.
“Brylee,” he insisted. “I have to …” He tried to sit up. Pain flared in his abdomen, and he was weak, weak as he’d ever been.He felt weaker than the other times he’d been shot and even after his surgery to remove part of his pancreas. He must’ve lost a lot of blood.
“Oh, no, you don’t.” The nurse pushed him back down. “Not on my watch.”
“I have to see Brylee.” He didn’t want to hurt this nurse, but the desperation to see Brylee was overwhelming.
“Well, if you will calm down and not hurt yourself, I’ll go find the beauty for you.” Mary tsked and shook her head. “I know your type. Buff fighter guy. If you start ripping IVs out and try to stand up like some macho man, I’ll sedate you and you won’t see her for another twenty-four hours.” She lifted a brow. “What’s it gonna be, tough stuff?”
Cash let out a breath. He wanted Brylee in his sight so desperately he almost did exactly what she said, started ripping out IVs and … Crap, was that a catheter? Those stung to rip out, but he didn’t care.
He eyed the woman. Mary looked determined, and she wasn’t small, but she had no idea how strong he was. Well, normally. At least he was thinking clearly. Maybe. It was all still a bit foggy.
Brylee. She’d clear everything up.
“I’ll call for help right now,” she warned. “I don’t like that look in your eyes, Rambo.”
Cash had fought so many times in his life. He’d almost always been the victor. Right now, he only wanted to fight for Brylee.
“If you promise to go get her and you have somebody take out the catheter and bring me a toothbrush and toothpaste, I won’t fight you.” It was a tough concession, but for Brylee he’d make it.
She grinned at him. “You planning on kissing that beauty?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Oh boy. Don’t you dare sit up, you got me? I don’t care how good the kissing is. You were shot clean through your abdomen, arm, and leg.”
He noticed the bandage on his arm. He was drugged enough that the pain wasn’t awful.
“How about we give Miss Brylee a minute longer to sleep? I’ll get the catheter out, help you wash up and brush those teeth and get you inclined alittle bit,” another warning look, “just enough to kiss on her and wrap her up in that one healthy, burly arm, if you keep her away from your abdomen. Deal?”
“Thank you, Mary.” He rested his head and closed his eyes, exhausted, but Mary would help him and soon Brylee would be here.
Brylee was all that mattered.
Brylee tossedand turned on the hard bed. Everybody from the nurses to Mercedes to Shawn kept begging her to sleep. She had slept a few hours last night, dozed off in the recliner in Cash’s room. It had only been a day and a half since Cash had been shot. The nurses and doctors kept reassuring her he was recovering well and should wake up by this evening.
She didn’t want to be lying on this too-hard bed if he did wake up.
Sliding off the bed, she used the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and brushed out her hair. She was too tired for makeup and Cash hadn’t cared that she hadn’t worn any the entire time they’d been together. She did apply her cinna-mint lip balm and put it in her pocket, sighing as she thought of Cash and his kisses.
How she loved him. Would he let her stay with him, or would he push her away when he was lucid?