Page 71 of Impossible Treasure
“I told you earlier, anything you need.” His smile was firmly in place. “Besides, no pit is big enough to hold me and I could wrestle a bear and win.” He flexed slightly. “What challenge is a lion?” He winked at her.
Her jaw had gone slack when he flexed. The problem was, he wasn’t certain if it was attraction to his well-honed muscles or fear of how large and intimidating he was to some people. His smile might not reassure her, but he could’ve sworn she’d relaxed when he held her close. She had deliberately edged away both times, so touch might not be the ticket either. Disappointing as he’d really liked touching her. He’d felt a sense of peace with her in his arms he hadn’t been able to obtain except during heartfelt prayers since Syria. Two years of vicious tumult churning inside his brain and holding her had alleviated it for a few moments.
Yet what future did he and a tall, gorgeous cowgirl from Montana have? After this week he could afford to go home to Tennessee and finally buy a ranch and build a house for his mama. She didn’t need much, but she did need a spot besides her sister’s spare bedroom, and she needed her pride restored and her boy back. He’d miss helping out at Cash’s inner-city gym but family came first and Mama had agreed he should bring Tyler and Jack with him. Tyler was almost eighteen so he could make that choice. At thirteen Jack was at the mercy of the foster care program and government red tape. If they could show Tyler was in a positive home environment and drug free there was hope he could be awarded as his brother’s guardian, but it would take time they didn’t have. Time Jack might join up with a gang, fall victim to drugs or other addictions, or a hundred other pitfalls much worse than whatever Mercedes’ people had schemed up for this challenge.
“Hoorah!” Mercedes called out, trying and failing to imitate the Ranger’s yell.
It didn’t bother Bennett. He had too many things that bothered him, too many dark spots in his mind to let somebody offend him saying the battle cry wrong. Most things in life washed off his very broad back. Except the pain of his imprisonment and torture, worry over Mama, not wanting to run into Haley, and concern for Ty and Jack.
“All right.” Mercedes rocked on her heels and looked to Shawn. Was the guy her bodyguard or boyfriend? He’d hoped bodyguard as it was crazy that a woman of Mercedes’ wealth wouldn’t have multiple guards and Shawn was obviously concealing weapons in his high-dollar suit.
“What am I forgetting?” Mercedes asked.
“Cameras, supplies, weapons, phone,” he gently reminded her.
Bennett hadn’t been aware Shawn could be gentle. He was one of those guys who instantly set your teeth on edge and you waited for the moment he’d cross a line and you had to knock him on his butt to prove he wasn’t the big man and couldn’t bully and belittle everyone around him.
Bennett was almost always the biggest man around, and the most highly trained. He prayed and tried to never abuse his strength or size but with someone like Shawn around he was grateful for both.
“Yes, that’s right. There is a phone in one of the backpacks that you can use to call if there’s a life-threatening emergency or when you exit the main entrance and win the challenge.”
She’d said main entrance twice.
“We have to exit the main entrance for Rose to win the money?” he clarified.
“Yes, sir.”
Bennett catalogued the info and nodded to her. He’d have to make certain they didn’t exit a different door and lose by a technicality. He could imagine the show’s producers had thought of that and would try to tempt or push them through the wrong exit.
“Cameras are placed throughout the building, except for in the bedrooms or bathrooms. You can have your privacy but don’t worry about recording anything.”
Rose had visibly flinched when she said bedrooms. Was she nervous about sleeping close to some unknown man? How to alleviate her concerns?
“Supplies will be waiting for you inside the first door.” Mercedes pointed to a plain metal door fifty feet away on the roof. “Backpacks with water, snacks, a first aid kit, a change of clothes and shoes, weapons and utility tools. Along the way there are places to refill supplies and water. There are also designated safe sleeping, showering, and eating spots—food and toiletriesand comfortable beds are provided.” Her teal-blue eyes twinkled like she’d given them a gift. “Safe spots are marked with a glowing pink Mercedes’ symbol. You know … the three point star.”
Bennett wasn’t certain how to take their host. She seemed to be the picture of benevolent, attractive, happy heiress. If that was true, and she wasn’t a phony playing for the cameras … someone needed to explain Shawn. Why keep a jerk like that around when she could have her pick of good guys?
“So we can relax for a bit while we eat, sleep, or pee?” Rose asked.
“For certain,” Mercedes laughed. “Nobody needs a snake crawling over them while they eat, sleep, or pee. Questions?”
“Snakes?” Rose gasped out.
Bennett almost reached for her hand to reassure her. He’d have weapons. Add weapons to his strength and size. He could protect her from a platoon. Then he remembered that she’d stepped away from his touch again a few minutes ago. So he didn’t reach for her hand. He did turn to her.
“No worries. I’ll take care of the snakes.”
“I hate snakes. I’ve shot so many rattlers at the ranch.” She blew out a breath.
His eyebrows went up. Shewasa cowgirl. He liked it.
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll take care of the cotton mouths, you’ve got the rattlers.”
“You can have them all.” She smiled at him. It was a genuine and breathtaking smile. He’d kill every snake in the vicinity for a smile like that.
“Hooah,” he murmured. He’d never said the Army cheer that softly, but he meant it deeply. He’d protect her. He’d fight for her. ‘This We’ll Defend’.
She squared her shoulders and nodded to him. “Time to cowgirl up.”