Page 16 of Holiday Home 3
“Keep those eyes on the road, mister,” she said, noticing as he kept flicking his gaze down to the slow, rhythmic pumping of her hand. “You do want us to get back quickly, don’t you?”
Yes, but no. He felt trapped by excitement for what was occurring and his need to stave her off until they made it back to her driveway. In the best-case scenario, he supposed he would end up cumming down her throat exactly one second after her tires touched her driveway.
Somehow, he didn’t think he’d be so fortunate. Maybe because of the seductive stare from the woman of his dreams as she pressed her lips against his neck for a second time.
“Is today feeling a bit better already?” she whispered, scalding his throat in four different places. Her hand continued slowly titillating his cock, building up a little more speed with every handful of pumps.
“Today was never going to beallthat bad,” he replied. “I’m getting to spend it with you after all.”
Crimson dashed across Tess’s cheeks, and a beatific smile accompanied it. “I suppose you’re right. No, you are. And we still have tomorrow, the next day, and the next day.”
Liam’s heart soared. He nodded along with each next day that she promised him, and he also finally found an opportunity to begin darting ahead of the cars impeding him from racing them home.
“Each one will be better than the last,” he said, taking advantage of her car's automatic transition. That meant he onlyneeded a single hand on the wheel. The other could palm one of her deliciously large breasts.
Tess’s smile remained as brilliant as ever, and she happily allowed him to grope her. Her hand sped up. The scorching heat of her lips moved toward his jawline.
“I’m certain they will be,” she agreed. “So long as I see you every morning.”
He couldn’t agree more. “If you want us to see each other a little sooner, we could start showering together. You know, save water.”
Tess chuckled and began to rub her thumb over his cock’s opening each time her hand maneuvered itself upward along his shaft. “I don’t know if itwillsave much water, given how much longer I think you’ll want the shower to be if we go in together.”
“We could always check to make sure.”
“Oh, we will,” she assured him, glancing ahead as he grimaced and decelerated because another red light awaited them. At the very least, he was the first to reach it, which would allow him to zoom off once it snapped back to green.
“We’ll test it every single day going forward,” Tess promised, planting a fiery kiss on his lips.
Their tongues clashed as their mouths vied for dominance. Aided by the heinous work of her silky-smooth fingers, Liam lost the battle. The back of his head ended up pinned to the headrest behind it, and Tess took her spoils of victory. Their lips remained mashed together as her hand pumped his cock mercilessly.
Barely able to see past her, he accelerated the second he saw the light turn green. Only then did Tess pull her lips away. She let him see the road, but the price was the torture her lips inflicted upon his cock for the rest of the ride home.
Her hand plunged to the base of his cock, then stayed there. Dropping her eyes first, the rest of her head soon followed.Anticipation curled his toes, which added further acceleration to her car. Seconds later, bliss rippled through his cock.
“Someone’s in a rush,” Tess teased. She stopped her mouth’s descent just inches from his cock and blew cool air on it. “Nervous about how quickly I might rob you of your prize?”
“I’ve seen what you can do,” he said, removing his hand from her breast and bringing it to her brunette tresses. He swept them away from her left cheek so he could briefly lock eyes with her. “I have every reason to worry.”
Purring delightfully, Tess nodded. “Yes, you do.”
She dropped her lips the final few inches. Planting a loving kiss on the tip of his engorged manhood, she then reminded him why he would need to hit every green light imaginable if he was to make it home before she drained him.
Her soft, moist lips accepted the first half of his cock with ease. Their glossy touch skimmed along his sensitive member, and he felt her tongue swish from side to side as she accepted his size. His core flexed into iron in response, and he already yearned to pull over and accept his fate.
He knew she could have submerged his entire cock had she wished. He’d earned compliments from her due to his size, but she’d more than proven that she had the skill to fit him into her throat. Just a matter of days ago, he’d experienced what it was like to cum down a woman’s throat for the first time, not just into her mouth. His body certainly hoped she’d let him replicate that fantastic feeling.
For now, however, with them still fifteen minutes out from her home, she knew she could have some fun with his burning hot member. Beginning with several slow, languid bobs of her head, she robbed him of the ability to breathe easily.
The hand he’d swept her hair away with returned to the steering wheel. He’d nearly driven them into the middle of two lanes as she began to torture him, so he shoved both hands,both white-knuckled, onto the steering wheel. Hopefully, he’d acclimate enough to remove the extra hand. He still wanted to fondle her breasts a little more before they made it home.
As he sped them along, Tess added a bit more speed to her bobbing. Each rise and fall of her lips thrust waves of pleasure into his manhood, which spread like the roots of a tree into the rest of his body. She knew exactly what she needed to do to aggravate and entice him in the same motion.
“Fuck, you’re so good at this,” he whispered as he felt her bring his cock to the entrance to her throat. From there, she drew back and paused. Thanking him for her compliment with her eyes, she prepped him with a few quick bobs and then one long plunge. Her throat gave him the access he’d been hoping for, and the tightness awaiting him was sublime.
He’d been here before. A few times, in fact. She’d detained him on her couch one day, not allowing him to get up until she’d utterly drained him. This time, he really couldn’t get away from here, even if he wanted to. Not unless he popped open his door and tumbled into the oncoming traffic.
Pressing one hand into his thigh, Tess began to deepthroat him in a way he’d only ever experienced from her. Avril had claimed she could match the skill he’d bragged about Tess possessing, but that claim remained unproven. Given where things seemed to be heading, it was uncertain if he’d ever get to know if she was good for it.