Page 24 of Holiday Home 3
However, he would eventually find the pace his body desperately hoped for. It occurred once Tess lowered her face to the floor and lifted her butt high enough that he could receive gravity’s assistance while plunging his cock deep into her. She urged him to keep fucking her like he was with her eyes, which shone like azurite each time he filled her.
Each wild thrust shoved them both toward their respective climaxes. He stood over her, thighs burning as he pumped himself into her, ogling her butt as it jiggled when his thighs slammed into her butt, leaving further red marks. He fucked her so hard that he needed to grip her hips to keep her from scooting away. And she adored him for it.
“I’ve missed this so much,” she whispered, hands curling into fists. She’d given up on playing with herself, needing the extra stability to keep herself from outright collapsing due to the forcefulness bearing down on her.
“There’s still plenty to come,” he let her know, though that was a promise he shouldn’t have made. He knew his minuteswere rapidly reducing themselves to seconds. It wouldn’t be long now before he erupted inside of her.
But Tess took it another way.
“I don’t doubt it,” she said, biting her lower lip as a fit of shakes wracked her lewd form. “It’s what I get for letting a young man and his libido have his way with my body. What a shame.”
She grinned and tightened her walls around his cock, which drew a guttural groan from him as he plunged into her. Glaring at her, he added another vivid red mark to her butt with his left hand.
“You’ll have to move across the country to escape me. Otherwise, you’re just kind of screwed.”
“But I, ahhh, like this house so much. And the fond memories we’re making right now.”
“So do I,” he panted, the both of them aware that it wouldn’t be long before he filled her cunt with his seed. “I want to fuck you everywhere in this house. No matter where you look, I want you to think of me.”
“So many challenges you’re taking up. I hope you’re going to be able to fulfill them all.”
“I swear it.”
“Hmm,” Tess purred, contentment glowing on her face. “Well, you’re about to get one closer to becoming the man who has made me cum the most, just like you want. So, keep, ungh, going!”
With that opportunity glittering at the end of the tunnel, he rammed his cock into her until the sound of their bodies colliding drowned out his ability to hear himself think. Raucous, animalistic instinct urged them on. The euphoria thrumming through their veins controlled how they moved, how they connected. Every pump of his cock, every shift of Tess’s butt, all of it allowed was so he could plunge his cock into her as deeplyas he could. Every gasp of air did its best to keep their muscles energized.
Perspiration gathered on his brow, and his thighs burned for relief from the stance he maintained while fucking the gorgeous woman beneath him. He knew Tess must be experiencing similar degrees of fatigue, though maybe not. After all, she had a head start on him in terms of developing her stamina.
Nevertheless, he decided it was time for them both to earn another respite. They just needed to drown in their climaxes first.
He didn’t do anything special. He just whispered a handful of words. A truth. New as he was to all of this, it still astounded him how effective a whisper or two could be, so long as the right thing was said.
“I’m going to cum, Tess. You’re going to make me cum inside of you.”
She sucked air between clenched teeth, eyes shining with excitement. Her body tightened a matter of seconds before he fulfilled his promise.
“Good,” she whispered back. “I want it all.”
Her climax struck with blissful throes, and his followed.
Bottoming out inside of her convulsing cunt, he willingly let the floodgates open. The impact of his climax allowed his fatigue to bring him down. Fortunately, he fell forward. While suffering her own euphoric assault, Tess’s strength was put to the test as he erupted inside of her at the end of his final thrust.
At first, it seemed she might hold them up. But it was not to be. As they both gasped pleasurably, Liam’s seed gushing out of his cock in several thick, potent spurts, Tess collapsed. Pinned beneath him, Tess moaned from her climax as his cum raced into her womb. He felt her body convulse a few more times before her climax finally came to an end.
Dry-mouthed, exhausted, and feeling the aftereffects of his climax spread like an unfurling flower through his core, he gasped for air. The woman underneath him did the same, though with greater effort due to the weight atop her.
“Sorry,” he panted, eventually managing to roll off her onto his side.
Sprawled out on her belly, she turned her head toward him. The adrenaline had left her, too, leaving them both practically catatonic. She could only manage a contented smile.
“Sorry? Recently, I’ve been getting to cum multiple times a day, cuddle with a handsome young man, and, starting tomorrow, enjoy a daily shower with that person. What do you have to be sorry about?”
He opened his mouth to reply, but it ended up morphing into as ecstatic a smile as he’d ever worn.
“Exactly,” Tess said, achieving a slight nod while still heaving oxygen into her lungs. “‘You’re welcome’ is what you should be saying. Because I’m so very thankful to have you in my life like this.”
“That’d feel a little cocky, given what I’m getting from you.”