Page 26 of Holiday Home 3
“I know I will, and I know I want that.”
Smiling, Tess reached around his hip and turned one of the nozzles protruding from the wall. They both sidestepped the initial deluge of cool water, though their bodies remained pressed together. After testing the water with his hand, he clutched Tess’s wrists once it was warm enough to handle. Soon after, with her leaning into him, they drifted into the balmy deluge.
“You’re so fucking sexy,” he whispered aloud a couple of minutes later, though it was more of an internal thought that had escaped his lips than an intentional compliment.
Standing beneath the shower’s downpour, hair slicked back behind her ears, steamy water pouring down her sensuous body, Tess smiled. Standing slightly off to the side, he ogled her in the same way he had on the few occasions when they’d ended up at the neighborhood pool together. It was a damn shame neither of them had personal pools in their backyard. Gary did, but he doubted his other next-door neighbor would be considerate enough to let him and Tess use it in the way he wanted.
Tess’s smile littered his belly with rambunctious butterflies. “All I’m doing is showering. Is this like that time I was walking up the stairs, and I was accidentally walking too sexily?”
“Listen, it’s justyou,okay? Doesn’t matter what you’re doing. I’m always going to think you’re too sexy for me to handle.”
“I think you’vehandledme just fine,” Tess purred, beckoning him to end the distance between them by crooking her forefinger.
When he obeyed, she turned and stepped out of the streaming water. As it pattered on the tiles behind her, Tess ever so slightly pushed her chest out. She didn’t need to do anything else.
His hands and mouth rushed to her heavy breasts, one of the former for each orb. His lips hurried to her right breast first, and he began kissing its slick fullness. Every new inch of soft, silky skin they touched elevated his glee. Yeah, today was going to be a good day.
And yet, in a way he would have never imagined, Tess was about to make it better.
“So, do you remember our fun in the car yesterday?”
He looked up at her as though she were insane. “Of course. Yeah. Never going to forget it.”
Her smile expanded, and she let him have a few moments of alone time with her nipple, which he teased between his teeth, before reminding him of the part she knew hehadforgotten.
“Specifically, I’m talking about our fun challenge. The one I won.”
He grunted affirmatively and pressed his mouth into her breast, sucking ebulliently on the pert nipple between his lips. Water poured down its pronounced slopes, making it a little tricky to hold on as he might have liked.
“And the consolation prize I said I would consider you giving. The one you get today, now that I’ve slept on it and decided I’m still okay giving it to you.”
The unusual subtext in her words proved enough to tug his attention away from her breasts. He didn’t release them, and Tess didn’t ask him to. But he did remove his lips from her nipple, then stood back up to his full height.
“I might have forgotten about that part of it,” he admitted.
Tess smiled and caressed his cheek, shifting forward enough to kiss him deeply. “That’s okay,” she said. “I didn’t. You can thank me for that in a few minutes.”
He nodded along, waiting patiently—well, mostly—for her to continue. His hands kept kneading her supple breasts, occasionally slipping around her nipples, which were about as stiff with arousal as his cock was.
“As I said, I slept on it. I’ve thought about it, so I’m not offering this to you haphazardly. So, it’s not a trick or test, Liam. It’s an earnest gift, and I want you to take it.”
Her cryptic choice of words left his brow scrunched up, but he slowly nodded. “O…kay.”
“I’ve more than intimated that my college years were… quite the experience,” Tess continued, eliciting another nod from him. She’d mentioned her past experiences a couple of times, and they’d served their motivating purpose. However, he couldn’t quite parse why she’d bring them up now. How werehercollege years related to this consolation prize? And why had she needed a night to mull over this prize before deciding to give it to him?
“I want the same to be true for yours,” Tess said, kissing him again.
Her proclamation added to his confusion rather than subtracting from it. Itwastrue. The past several days had already ensured that.
“It is,” he said once their lips parted. “I’ve never been happier in my whole life.” He nodded toward the connection between his hands and her breasts. “I’m literally holding onto the breasts of the most beautiful woman on the planet right now.”
Tess beamed at him but still shook her head. “And your permission to do so isn’t liable to change any time soon. I’m not talking about me—us.I’m referring to Avril.”
Tess nodded and set her hands on his hips. Turning him, she guided him back until his back bumped into the wall beside the shower’s controlling nozzles. Her body didn’t seem to notice that he couldn’t retreat any further, pursuing him until it mashed against his. Their lips reunited for far longer than any of their earlier kisses.
“That’s right,” she said over a minute later. “Perhaps Iamthe most beautiful woman on Earth. If you want to think of me as so, who am I to argue?” She lifted a single finger to his lips, silencing his reply. “But Avril Knight just might have the means to steal quite a few votes from other men. And she, as we discovered yesterday in dramatically shocking fashion, is interested in you.”