Page 28 of Holiday Home 3
But he could rectify things from now on. He nodded earnestly.
“I won’t say a word.”
“Good,” Tess said. Her eyes journeyed south, and a small smile curved the corners of her mouth. “Now, my second stipulation is a little unusual. But it’s just as required as the first.”
She tortured him by withholding what it was. Shifting a half-step to her left, the steaming hot water pounded on her shoulder as she reached for a bottle of floral-scented body wash. Liam watched silently as she upended the bottle and spurted a copious amount of light pink foam onto her palm. Returning the bottle, she moved back in front of him. Hands beginning to lather the foam between her smooth hands, she leaned forward.
“I’ve decided to take a page out of your book. So, I want to be the woman who has made you cum the most by the time you go back to college,” Tess whispered.
Liam gasped as she set her cool touch, entirely the fault of the foam, upon his manhood. What hardness he’d lost during their conversation, and the myriad of emotions he’d experienced through it, quickly returned. Her soft, smooth hands coated his cock in her body wash, which served as a decent lubricant for the languid strokes she used to mesmerize him.
“Did you hear me?” Tess asked. She knew he had.
Gulping, already beginning to quake as her adroit fingertips urged him toward an early first climax of the day, he nodded.
“I, ah, can make sure that happens,” he muttered.
“You had better. I know Avril well enough to expect she’ll have some devious tricks up her sleeve. But don’t you let her monopolize your time going forward. And Iwillbe paying attention.” A lascivious glint appeared in her eyes as she touched her nose to his. “I know how many times you can cum in a day,so I’ll know what it means if you ever tell me you’re too tired for me.”
“I could never be too tired for you,” Liam whispered hoarsely, balls aching as her fingertips continued sliding over his throbbing manhood.
“On everything I hold dear,” he hastily swore.
Her sensual smile heaped further bliss upon him. “I believe you. Still, I think I’ll ensure I’ve expanded my lead ever so slightly before I let you clean us both up.”
The air Liam dragged into his lungs found its journey complicated by the shuddering breaths he drew for the next several minutes. Tess pushed her voluptuous body against him, dragging her breasts up and down his torso as her hands coaxed his cock into adding one more tally to Tess’s side of the competition—one Avril wasn’t even allowed to know she was part of.
She didn’t realize she wasn’t as far ahead as she might have assumed, though her lead was still healthy.
In a mix of fortune and misfortune, her first stipulation would prevent him from informing Avril about the existence of the second one, which she would have almost certainly viewed as a competition. He might have benefitted endlessly from it being considered in such a way. Right up until the two seductive beauties literally drained him of every drop of stamina in his body, which they’d each shown they were capable of doing.
As Liam quivered tautly, he shut his eyes. Soon, Tess’s silky touch unraveled him. He moaned hoarsely as his seed discharged upon her thighs in several powerful spurts. Tess made sure to support him on her slippery tiles while he recovered.
After detaching her showerhead and cleaning her thighs, she handed it to him. Grinning, she tilted her eyes toward the body wash and shampoo nearby.
“Clean us up,” she purred, ensuring his hands roamed everywhere across her gorgeous body before their first shower together ended.
Chapter Nine
Some hours later, Anna opened the door following his arrival at Ashgrove Apartments. Compared to its predecessors, today was relatively warm. And by relatively warm, he meant that it was no longer below freezing. The pale sun still couldn’t vanquish the mountains of snow delivered by last week’s blizzard, but at least he could wear a lighter jacket than usual to Anna and Avril’s spacious apartment.
“Hello, Liam,” the beautiful heiress said, smiling at him.
Like him, she was dressed for their planned outing, though she wasn’t yet aware of their destination. She wasn’t far behind him in that matter; he’d only decided where their first “date” would take place about half an hour ago.
For much of the morning, he and Tess had discussed a few options for where he could take Anna out to eat, which would have been the strangest experience of his morning if not for what had occurred in her shower. Given that the discussion topic would be about getting comfortable with one another, they’d agreed that a cozy restaurant would be sufficient.
“Are you ready to go?” he asked, though he could already tell she was.
She wore a snug white sweater and a plaid miniskirt, and she was imitating Victoria’s partiality for boots with a pair that made it to above her knees. Rarest of all, she had her dark hair up in a ponytail. It seemed outside of her style, and he wondered if Avril was in any way to blame, as she’d been on Christmas Eve when she’d tricked her into wearing a gorgeous but revealing dress to Tess’s party.
“I am—if you want to go.”
He might not possess her impressive perception, but he wasn’t so slow-witted not to catch the meaning flying over his head.