Page 35 of Holiday Home 3
After a few more moments, Anna finally found the courage to overcome her bashfulness.
“Mostly, I was hoping we might spend more time together. And… in the way that a couple would. So, more dates like these. And maybe we could try a few other things that couples are supposed to do together. Just so I can avoid always looking like… well, like I think I do right now.”
Seeing as he was a bit nicer and more understanding than Avril, he avoided teasing her—because she was right. Her face looked scarlet enough to boil an egg on her forehead, but he kept that to himself. Even if his newfound experiences might have moved him out of the same quadrant of inexperience as Anna, he wasn’t egotistical enough to consider himself experienced just yet.Yetbeing the operative word.
“Do you mean stuff like cuddling and kissing?” he asked, trying to maintain a neutral face. If she was as perceptive now as she always was, she’d easily have noticed the slight crack in his voice during his question. In his defense, he’d been preparing for how he’d handle things with Avril all morning, not her equally beautiful but far more abashed best friend.
“Assuming those things wouldn’t be too disconcerting.”
Okay, that was too much. Before he could rein it in, a mirthful smile sprinted across his face. Across from him, Anna didn’t quite know how to take his sudden amusement. Her expression clouded.
“Sorry, sorry,” he quickly said, fighting a vicious battle to pull down the corners of his mouth. “It’s just… did you hear what you just said, Anna?”
“I’m aware of what I said,” she replied, still wearing a frown. “I’m not sure why it’s amusing, however.”
“I don’t think you really do know what you just said,” he disagreed. “At least, you didn’t hear it how I heard it. Would you look around for a second, Anna? Tell me what you notice.”
At first, she didn’t seem ready to humor his request. However, she ultimately relented and began scoping out Zeke’s interior.
“I see the other customers, the staff, the basketball games on the TVs,” she reported in short order.
“You’re going to make me be Avril here?” he asked bemusedly. “Really?”
Her blush reclaimed its old stomping grounds. “Yes, I’m aware of the attention we’re receiving.”
“Notwe,” he corrected. “You. It’s all yours. Other than a few envious stares, I suppose. And no one here but me knows who you are. They don’t know your last name, how rich your family is, or anything like that. So all those stares must be because of something else.”
“Youaresounding a lot like Avril,” the raven-haired beauty mumbled.
“Her way can be effective occasionally,” he replied unapologetically. “It just seemed a fitting way to respond after you wondered if I’d find itdisconcertingto kiss one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met.”
“But…” Anna trailed off, glancing around to ensure there weren’t any eavesdroppers in the booths connected to theirs. Even after she confirmed that the family of four and the lone businessman on a lunch break weren’t overly invested in their conversation, she still dropped her voice before continuing.
“What about Tess?”
For the second time in as many hours, Liam put on his best poker face. In his mind, Anna was the actual test. If he could convince her, he just might have finally managed to translate who everyone said he became when he played cards into his everyday life.
“You’re asking that because of what Avril said yesterday?”
Anna nodded anxiously. “Yes. I’m very sorry she did that.”
“It’s okay; I’m not mad about it. I don’t think Tess is either.”
“I’d understand if she is—and if you are.”
“I’m not,” he assured her. “Just as there isn’t anything you need to worry about when it comes to me and Tess. We’re just friends, ultimately. And Iamdating you, aren’t I? Like you said, we should look more comfortable around each other than we are. So, this takes precedence.”
He offered her a lopsided smile, even as he realized how far the pendulum had swung since he’d agreed to her request back in that parking lot at the start of winter break. Now, at Tess’s behest, he was keeping secrets from Anna. Now, at Anna’s behest, they were going to get in some practice looking like an actual couple.
“All right,” Anna said, sounding anything but certain, though he couldn’t tell if that was because he’d given her a tell or not. “But if you ever change your mind, or if things ever… go anywhere between you two, I will understand if you want to break things off between us.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he promised. “But again, I’m not exactly sacrificing a whole lot by getting the chance to kiss you.” A realization thumped him on the side of his head. “Assuming thatyou’recertain that you’re okay with that. If you’ve never kissed anyone before, maybe this wouldn’t be a good idea. I don’t want to rob you of your first kiss like this.”
Anna’s face burned as she rapidly shook her head, ponytail swishing behind her. “I’ve kissed someone before. I’m notthatinexperienced.”
“So, Elliot?” he asked, recalling the name of the guy she’d secretly dated in high school for a little while.
Anna nodded and found something fascinating in her salad to stare at for several seconds. Liam knew he’d only embarrass her further if he asked if there was anyone else, so he let the topic drown with her lettuce among the salad dressing. He picked uphis fork and picked at his baked potato, letting the warm, buttery mush slide down his throat.