Page 45 of Holiday Home 3
“I can’t believe I’m spending my afternoon with bookworms,” she loudly complained, throwing the back of her head against the armchair as she groaned toward the ceiling.
“You’ve been losing to them, as well,” Anna pointed out, which shoved a lopsided grin onto Avril’s face.
“We’ll see. I’m thinking this win was a fluke. Or maybe Liam threw the game again.”
“I can win fair and square,” Anna sniffed. “I’ll prove that in the future rounds. But you need to pick truth or dare, for now.”
“It’s dare, of course,” Avril smirked, raising her chin.
“Very well. I dare you to finish all your winter break homework before New Year’s Eve.”
Avril’s mood plummeted precipitously. It happened so quickly, and her new expression, one of utter disgust anddisbelief, looked so comical that Liam needed to hide his smile behind his hand. Avril either didn’t mind or didn’t notice.
Her disbelieving stare never deviated from the best friend who had betrayed her.
“Don’t do that to me.”
“Don’t always pick dare,” Anna responded mercilessly.
“You’re heartless.”
“I’m helping you accomplish something you wouldn’t accomplish otherwise,” Anna retorted just a little too quickly, a little too sourly.
It piqued Liam’s notice, as did the agitation that danced across Avril’s expression. It was the kind of response made when you threw someone’s words back at them.
“Fine, I will,” Avril said, tossing her hands into the air. “Unlike some people, I don’t mind a little help when I know I need it.”
Didn’t you refuse to let me help you with your dealing?Liam thought, though he didn’t highlight Avril’s hypocrisy.
During the ensuing sixth round of play, the penultimate round, Avril looked ready to chew through iron bars each time she was forced to pick up the middle stack. He wasn't sure how her frustration might have bled through if she’d remained in the loser’s circle by the time it ended.
Fortunately for her, shefinallymanaged to win a hard-fought match—and there was no disputing that she’d earned it. She pumped a fist through the air as she flipped over her two sevens and proved she’d won the round. Now, for her prizes.
“Truth,” Anna immediately said.
Avril groaned but had to have known Anna wouldn’t give her an opportunity for a vengeful reprisal. Grumbling momentarily, her mouth shifted from side to side as she mulled over what she could make Anna answer truthfully. It didn’t take long for a malevolent grin to curl her lips.
“So, seeing as you’re not actually dating Liam, I was just wondering if there are any guys youdolike. Does Miss Annabelle Royce have a crush on anyone? Answer truthfully.”
By this point, he’d more or less figured out what they’d been feuding about since yesterday. He still wasn’t certain why they were feuding about it, but they’d battered one another with enough unsubtle barbs for understanding to dawn upon him.
Avril knew Anna had a crush on him. One question he held onto was: had she figured it out on her own, or had she forced Anna to admit it?
“Yes, there is someone I like,” Anna said, face mired in crimson as she stared directly at Avril.
“And? Go on, details.”
But Anna shook her head. “All you asked was if I had feelings for anyone. And I answered—truthfully. I don’t have to say anything more, nor will I.”
“Ugh, come on. So boring.”
Anna wouldn’t budge, so, groaning frustratedly at her, Avril’s attention shifted to him.
“Don’t you dare pick truth, so help me God.”
“Fine, then dare,” Liam said. Since he wasn’t the current focus of her vexation, he’d assumed she might go easy on him. Just this once.
How wrong he was.