Page 53 of Holiday Home 3
“Inexplicably, I can’t remember either,” he said, pulling his mouth up at one side. “But you are right. I’m sure you’ll only use that information for good.”
“Oh, it’s going to feel very, very good,” Avril purred. Finished lubricating his cock, she released it from her grasp. Her fingers headed for her opening next, and Liam’s heart raced as he watched the gorgeous redhead begin preparing her body for him.
“It’s going to feel so good that you might just cum twice before Anna gets back. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“Sounds heavenly,” he said, finding the rhythmic motion of her fingers and the soft, self-inflicted shudders they incited almost hypnotic. “So long you’re as good as you’ve been hyping yourself up to be for so long.”
“I’ve actually been selling myself a little short,” Avril promised, eyes smoldering with lust.
She straddled him, and Liam craned his head to make sure he didn’t miss when she removed her fingers so that somethingmore substantial could take their place. Avril grinned at his obvious anticipation, though she’d have made herself a liar if she’d acted as if she wasn’t just as excited.
This had been a long time coming. From their first meeting, back when he’d assumed Anna would be the one to open the door to their apartment, she’d enticed and excited him. Compared to the others in their unusual friend circle, she was the most outgoing, the most provocative, and certainly the unruliest. Even if there’d been a few scuffs along the way, he felt so much gratitude toward her.
Without her, he’d probably be sitting at home alone, whittling away the days until he returned to his dorm at Perrymont. Instead, just counting today, he’d experienced numerous thrills. And when he made it back to Tess’s house, he knew there’d be even more for him to experience.
Meeting Avril Knight had been nothing short of a miracle, and he realized he needed to find a way to make her know how grateful he was to her. Even if she was the last person needing further fuel for her ego.
“You know what I also just realized?” Avril asked while positioning his cock so she could slide him into her slick opening. “Seeing as there’snothingbetween you and Tess, this is the first time you’re getting laid all winter break.”
Liam snorted softly but forced himself to nod. “Yep, guess so. I’m really hoping it won’t be theonlytime, though.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I’ve wished upon a star and everything.”
“Duly noted,” the gorgeous redhead said, prepared to grant him the first fulfillment of that wish.
“Hey, Avril,” he said, burning at least a few more seconds of their preciously short time so he could say just one more thing.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“You’re the best.”
Avril grinned beatifically. “No takebacks.”
“Never,” he promised.
Drawing in a deep breath, Avril lowered her curvaceous body onto the engorged cock beneath her.
Chapter Eighteen
Pawn Takes Knight
She dropped her alluring body all the way. She took every inch of him into her tight pussy, eyes dilating with excitement and pleasure as her momentum drove his entire length into her. On his side of things, he stopped breathing for a little while, enthralled by how tight Avril’s pussy was. Nevertheless, her responses caused pride to blossom in his chest. After she experienced every inch of him, she sighed contentedly, verdant eyes gleaming with satisfaction.
“Okay, not-so-little boy,” she purred. “You just stay right like that and let me make your first time something special.”
She omitted the “with me” part, but he assumed it was implied. Pinned beneath her, their bodies connected as intimately as possible, Liam was more than willing to let her puther money where her mouth was. He knew she had a lot of it, after all.
Avril smiled and slowly lifted her voluptuous body. She stared provocatively at him, and it was nearly enough to set him ablaze. She ended up splaying her hands upon his lower stomach as she removed three-fourths of his length from her sex. Then, she paused.
She stalled for only a handful of seconds, but it stretched into an eternity for Liam’s impatient body. Just before he was about to remind her of their time constraints, she winked, blew him a kiss, and dropped her hips much faster the second time.
Any worries about the time they had left vanished as an eruption of bliss unfurled within him. Liam’s groan escaped his lips before he could stop it, which only added fuel to the arrogant fire curling Avril’s lips into a self-congratulatory grin. She blew him another kiss and hit him with another addictive dose of pleasure with her next bounce on his cock.
This was an assault on his senses, unlike any he’d experienced. With Tess, he’d maintained some degree of control over their pace because of the way in which they’d made love. But not here. Without a doubt, he knew she’d set their first time up like this intentionally. This was her chance to overwhelm him, to subjugate him beneath her—literally.
I bet she’s still mad about me saying that Tess would be better at giving head,Liam thought.