Page 192 of A Second Dawn
I turn around to glance back at Aiden and Claudette, who are leaning against the wall just inside the door, watching the whole procession.
Everything is going to work out.
I cling to Claudette’s words, reminding myself I made my choice, and I’m intending to be insanely happy even if my fiancé is currently brooding beside me.
I raise my hand to wave one last goodbye to Ade and Claudette, their sad expressions mirroring how I feel about having to leave them behind.
“Until thirty seconds ago, an ambulance was parked there.” Santino tells Tiero. “Do you want the cars brought around?”
Shaking his head, Tiero waves him off. Placing his hand on my lower back, he guides me forward.
His men are scattered around us, each one focused on the task given to them. Most are standing guard, while a few others load the three SUVs parked a few yards away.
Tiero’s eyes are scanning everything around us. Is there a threat he hasn’t told me about?
“Where is Antonio?” he asks Santino who’s walking ahead of us.
“Fixing up our account. He should be back any minute.” We should leave him behind. I sure wouldn’t miss him, and I bet Mariella wouldn’t either.
Tiero hurries us along to the cars, and I glance up at him and drink in the beautiful man beside me. I’ve been doing that since he changed from his jeans into his tailored suit.
Tiero in dark jeans and a leather jacket is hot as hell. It suits his bad boy persona. But Tiero in a suit? Hold on to your panties, ladies. He fills it out with such raw masculinity, it’s difficult to look away.
I smile up at him when his gaze connects with mine. For a moment, his weariness lifts and his eyes light up.
It’s as if the sun has emerged from behind the clouds. Instantly I’m more at ease. Especially when he bends down to give the tip of my nose a kiss.
Our hands intertwine, and he raises them to his mouth, placing another soft kiss on my knuckles. And just with that simple gesture, my outlook on the future brightens.
We love each other. We’re going to have a baby. We’ll be a family.
Any fear and uncertainty about what’s going to happen can get stuffed.
The future is ours!
“Ella!” Claudette suddenly shouts from behind us. “Wait!”
Both Tiero and I turn toward her… just as the sound of a gunshot pierces the air.
Chapter Fifty-Four
Oninstinct,Tierograbsmy arm to pull me down. But I lose my balance and fall forward, my arms flailing. His arms come around my waist, stopping me from faceplanting.
The next moment, my cast shatters into hundreds of fragments, and a burning pain shoots along my skin.
Oh god! I’ve been shot!
There’s no time for the horror to sink in, because all hell breaks loose.
Tiero pushes me to the ground as gunfire erupts around us. His men point their weapons in the direction of the shooter, firing shot after shot.
The noise is deafening.
I want to cover my ears, but I can’t move. Tiero has wound his body around mine, protecting me… shielding me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Santino run toward us, shouting to our driver to bring the car around.