Page 200 of A Second Dawn
“Wait a second! If someone was going to take us out with a car bomb, why try to shoot us? Does that mean there are two different killers after us, not just one?”
Claudette too washes her hands. “It looks that way. Tiero’s mole, the one you told me about, and the Chicago mob. We can’t trust any of his men.”
I rub my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. This is so messed up.
Claudette’s eyes meet mine in the mirror. “You’ve ignored my question about leaving after Tiero’s surgery.”
“I know. But how can I abandon the man I love in this den of vipers? He isn’t safe here. What if they try to tamper with his medication after he pulls through?”
“Aiden can have someone guard Tiero. But he has limited resources here and can’t look after you both. Seriously, El. Trust Ade to know what’s best. He’s trained for situations like these!”
I ponder that for a moment, still not giving her the answer she wants.
“Think of peanut. You need to protect her.”
“I know that! But it feels wrong to leave him.”
Claudette’s expression turns even more solemn. “I get that, Ella. I really do. But after the surgery, wewillactivate your escape plan. And we need to be prepared for anything. If Tiero pulls through—”
“Which he will,” I say with as much conviction as I can muster.
“If he pulls through, it will buy us a little more time to pull all aspects of the plan together. But as soon as everything is set, you’ll have to leave.
“And if God forbid Tiero doesn’t make it, we must act right away. There’s no time to waste.”
An icy shiver runs through my body at that possibility. No! That’s not going to happen. Tiero is a fighter!
Pounding on the door has me straightening up.
“Is everything okay in there?” Antonio’s stern voice comes from the corridor. Then he opens the door and walks in. What the?
“Umm, this is a ladies’ bathroom. You shouldn’t be in here,” I tell him.
He shrugs his shoulders. It’s clear he couldn’t care less what I have to say.
“I’m just checking up on you. Your wellbeing is my responsibility now until your fiancé recovers.”
Excuse me? I don’t think so.
“My wellbeing is solely my responsibility and no one else’s. Now leave.”
We enter a stare-off. If he thinks I’m going to back down, he can think again. He’s no one to me, and I’m sure as hell not going to let him dictate my moves.
“Leave,” I repeat, my tone so icy, I’m surprising myself. Not once blinking, I wait till Antonio is gone, and sag against the wall.
“I can’t even begin to describe how much I dislike that man,” I tell Claudette.
“Yeah, he’s a shady bastard.”
We’re back in the waiting room. The scent of antiseptic hanging in the air is more pronounced than before. It makes my stomach turn. Good thing it’s empty now.
Claudette and Aiden exchange another one of their meaningful looks. Undoubtedly, she’s communicating to him that she told me about the plan.
I can’t claim I feel confident. So many things could go wrong.
It’s a gamble, but seemingly necessary to keep me and peanut safe. Claudette made me repeat the plan twice to make sure I got every part of it. It’s all I’ve been thinking about since we left the bathroom.
I know she and Aiden whole-heartedly believe it’s the right move, but I might yet defy them.