Page 223 of A Second Dawn
“Why did he arrange Tiero’s escape? He hated him. Why would he save his life?” I put down the fork and look at my friend expectantly.
“He talked about getting me out when Tiero was in surgery. So I don’t think Tiero’s fake death was on his mind then. If it had, he could have just let him ‘die’during the operation.” I draw quotation marks into the air at the worddie.
“You’re right. But even if Aiden had already thought about it, I’m not sure the plan would have looked any different. He needed someone senior from Tiero’s circle to watch.”
Hmm, I guess that makes sense. “But Aiden changed his mind at some stage. Why?” I ask again. “Getting me out and leaving Tiero behind would have almost guaranteed Tiero’s real death. His enemies would have tried to finish what they started. And with me out of their reach and Tiero dead, Aiden and I would have eventually ended up together.”
While I feel disloyal saying this, it’s the truth. It wouldn’t have happened right away, but down the track, the feelings running like a live-wire between Aiden and me would have come back to life. I have no illusions about that.
“Aiden was aware of all of that,” Claudette admits. “We had a conversation about it. Things changed for him when you said Tiero was working on a way out of the Mafia. He realized Tiero loved you so much that he was willing to leave everything he’s ever known behind.
“Couple that with you having chosen that man over him and you being pregnant to him… well, he decided to honor you wishes and forego his own desires and dreams, so he could give you a chance at happiness.”
I stare at Claudette, utterly lost for words.
Holy crap!
After everything I’ve put him through, Aiden handed Tiero and me a future I thought we’d never have.
Claudette’s words hang heavy in the air. My heart is a mixture of gratitude and sorrow.
I’m swept away by the enormity of Aiden’s sacrifice.
He set aside his own aspirations, all for me.
If that’s not true, unconditional love, then I don’t know what is.
And what have I given him in return? Heartbreak.
Those pesky tears sting my eyes again, and the lump in my throat grows.
He put my happiness above his own. It’s a gift I can never repay. My chest tightens.
“Where is Aiden now?” I ask, my voice raw.
“The plan was to make sure everything was wrapped up smoothly at the hospital and with the authorities. And then he was going back to Atlanta.”
To resume the job he’d put on hold for me. My heart aches for him. He deserves so much better than what I’ve given him.
“Will I ever see him again?” I ask, but I already know the answer.
Claudette’s eyes are full of compassion. “He’s hurting real bad at the moment. Losing someone you love is never easy. It’s doubly hard for him because he made it happen on many levels. It’s something he has to come to terms with in his own time.
“He was talking about returning to India, and I encouraged him. Down the track, I might even visit him there. It’s been too long since I spent time in an ashram.”
I nod, both liking and hating the idea. It would be wonderful for Aiden to see a familiar face and know that he’s loved and cared for. But I’d hate to lose Claudette to her ascetic travels. But with what Aiden has sacrificed for me, I’ll smile and send her on her way sooner rather than later.
Aiden deserves all the happiness in the world.
So I close my eyes and pray.
Pray that all good things in this world will find him.
Chapter Sixty-Six
You’reoutoftheMafia… You’re out of the Mafia… You’re out of the Mafia.