Page 229 of A Second Dawn
I’ve started to show, and she rubs my little bump affectionately.
Barbara is my midwife, and just lovely. In her late fifties, she has delivered hundreds of babies. I feel in good hands with her.
Claudette has been hanging out with her every chance she gets, which she laments isn’t often enough. She’s determined to learn as much as possible about delivering babies. Tara was good, she tells me, but her book knowledge could never beat Barb’s experience.
With Christmas in a few days, I’ve just been for my last checkup of the year. The next one is going to be a biggie. We’ll get to see a three-D image of our baby. So exciting!
“Peanut is developing beautifully. All is well.” I tell her.
She smiles. “I’m glad.”
“Is Tiero in the living room?” I ask, already heading that way.
It’s where he’s been spending most of his recovery time. But even if he wasn’t so predictable, the swirling warmth and dancing butterflies in my tummy would guide me to him. Even after weeks together, the telltale signs of when he’s near have not waned. I hope they never will.
“Yep. Have a look at what he’s reading. His expression is priceless,” she giggles.
Curiosity raised, I enter my favorite part of this house. I approach the large sofa as silently as I can, drinking in the picture before me.
Tiero is sprawled out reading, the flames dancing and wood crackling in the fireplace. I tilt my head to see the cover of the book he’s holding and cover my mouth to stop my chuckle.
Who’s ever seen a big bad Mafia Don reading a pregnancy book? And it’s not the first time I’ve seen him pick it up.
“Hello, angel. Glad you’re home,” he says without looking up. The triple flame radar is clearly working for him too.
“Learning something interesting?” I ask as I approach, bending down to kiss his delectable lips. They feel like they’re on fire compared to my cold ones.
“You’re freezing,” he admonishes, his voice deep and rumbly. Just the way I like it.
He throws back the blanket and pulls me on top of him before covering us both up again.
“Tiero, be careful… your wound,” I chide, shifting my weight to the side so I’m not lying directly on it. It’s healing fine, but as we don’t have a doctor nearby, I’d rather play it safe.
He ignores my protests, of course, because he’s still Mr. Bossy who does as he pleases. Mafia Don or not, I don’t think that will ever change… and I’m happy about it. I love him exactly as he is.
He presses his body against mine, wedging me between himself and the back of the sofa. Covered with the blanket, I’m heating up fast.
“I’ve missed you,” Tiero whispers as his lips brush against mine.
God, I love this man and the way he loves me so much! Being apart for even an hour seems like forever to him.
I get to smile goofily for about two seconds before he deepens the kiss. His tongue invades my mouth, claiming it thoroughly until we’re both breathless. A tidal wave of desire rips through me, my core throbbing with need.
What this man can do to me with just a kiss!
Chest heaving, I try to ignore my blazing arousal. With Claudette only in the kitchen, now is not the time to get carried away.
“What did you read about?” I ask, trying to focus on something other than my needy pussy.
He smirks against my skin. “The second trimester.”
“And what did you learn?”
His hand slides beneath my sweater and splays over the slight bump in my belly. “That you’re going to start to show.”
“That’s hardly news,” I reply, covering his hand with mine. Well, covering parts of it, because his is much larger. “What else?”