Page 24 of A Second Dawn
He points to a truck entering a large shed a few hundred yards away. It’s pulling a row of metal carts with bags of garbage peeking out on top.
“We checked every single one,” Luca says before I can ask.
I watch as the last of the carts disappears into the shed, the large metal doors sliding shut behind it.
Warmth sprouts in my abdomen. I narrow my eyes. This isn’t quite the same as when Ella is near.
But then the familiar tingling spreads up my arms. That’s more like it.
Where is she?
I slowly turn in a circle, scanning everything around me, my heart rate accelerating.
There’s no one around. Only a tall guy in a maintenance overall is walking toward the shed, a black pickup truck parked close by.
As I watch him, the warmth in my abdomen swirls like a tornado, sucking away rational thought.
What the fuck?
As if sensing my eyes on him, he stops and turns around. Scanning the perimeter, he seems to stare in my direction.
We stand there for long seconds, unmoving.
He seems familiar.
The distance between us is too large to make out any details, but I’m certain I’ve never seen this guy before.
Who is he? And more importantly, why am I reacting as if he were Ella?
But then it’s not quite the same.
Ella causes a rampant heat explosion. This felt pleasantly warm until the swirling started. The tingling is the same, though.
I rub my neck, confused about what’s going on.
Whatever it is, though, it’s worth investigating.
“Luca, you stay here. Everyone else, come with me,” I instruct.
“What is it?” Antonio asks.
Of all my soldiers here with me, he’s the highest ranking and in line to become my next consigliere. It’s the only reason I respond.
“I’m not sure yet. The guy who entered that shed… there’s something off about him.”
The closer we get, the more pronounced the sensations in my body grow. I’m tingling all over now, heat rushing through my veins.
“Draw your weapons but keep them hidden,” I tell my men.
Pulling my gun from my holster, I hide my hand inside my jacket.
When we reach the shed, I motion to a soldier to slide open the door. It takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the relative darkness inside.
It’s a large space filled mostly with empty carts on one side and the full ones on the other. What draws my attention are the bags of garbage thrown on the ground.
“Freeze,” Antonio suddenly shouts, and my men all point their weapons at three figures in maintenance overalls and caps running toward a side door.
My body is on fire now.