Page 53 of A Second Dawn
Aiden kisses the top of my head and, with a last squeeze, wishes me a good night. “Sweet dreams, Sunshine.”
Then he turns and lies down on the sofa bed, pulling the blankets over himself, while I follow Claudette up the ladder.
As suspected, sleep doesn’t come easily. The relentless downpour outside pounds against the roof, the noise making it impossible to drift off. That’s at least my problem. Claudette is fast asleep beside me. How does she do it?
Gusts of wind lash against the sides of the vehicle, causing it to tremble intermittently. I grab the edges of my blanket, pulling it tighter around me.
Though there’s no thunder and lightning, a sense of trepidation permeates the air. It intensifies by the minute.
Restless, I lean up on my elbows. My heart pounds anxiously in my chest until it’s all I can hear.
While I don’t like storms, they don’t usually freak me out.
This isn’t my own reaction.
He needs me.
I scoot to the ladder and climb down. I can’t make out Aiden in the dark, but I’d know my way around this RV blindfolded. Slowly, so as not to spook him, I move to his bed. I know he’s not asleep; I can sense his panic.
I sit down on the edge of the sofa bed and feel for him, finding his shoulders first. They tremble, revealing his inner battle.
The ache in my heart intensifies, knowing that he normally bears this burdens alone. Determined to offer solace and support, I lift the blanket and slip underneath.
Nestling close to him, I mold my body to his. Wrapping my arms around him from behind and entwining my leg over his hip, I try to cocoon him. For once, I want to be the one enveloping him in the protection and understanding he showers me with.
His hands shake as they grasp mine. They’re cold and clammy. Does this happen with every storm?
He’s so vulnerable, and my love and concern for him overflow.
“Aiden,” I say loud enough to be heard over the rain. “Let’s breathe together. Remember what you taught me in Switzerland? Let’s do that. Take a deep breath in and hold it…”
We follow that sequence for what seems like forever. Aiden is so worked up, it takes a long while for his breathing to slow and his muscles to relax. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was sore in the morning for holding them so tight.
Ade twists in my embrace until he faces me. I snuggle in closer and keep holding him, my face resting on his chest. Ade buries his head in my hair and holds me close as we continue to breathe together.
Right now, our usual sexual charge is missing. Instead, it’s all about the comfort we can give each other. Safety… warmth… home.
Eventually Ade’s breathing evens out, and I know he’s finally asleep.
I wish I could take away the trauma that caused this meltdown. Storms obviously trigger him. But there has to be something to make his life easier when they happen.
Holding on to Ade while he sleeps, I vow to watch over him tonight, but all too soon my eyelids grow heavy too and I drift off.
The next morning, I wake up with my head still on Aiden’s chest and his arms wound tightly around me. He’s still fast asleep, which is most unlike him. He’s always up at the crack of dawn to do his workout. Awesome muscles like his have to be maintained after all.
With all the blinds down, it’s still dark inside the RV. I need to get up and check what the weather is doing. I carefully extract myself from Aiden’s hold and walk the few steps to the door.
Brisk morning air streams in as soon as I push it open. The sky is blue once more with a mountain of greyish clouds in the distance.
I step outside and stretch, but freeze mid-motion when I glance to the left.
There, in the not too far distance, is a field covered entirely with tents. It’s like a tent city.
What’s going on here in the middle of nowhere?
Chapter Fourteen