Page 70 of A Second Dawn
“And if not?”
“Easy. We go somewhere else.” Claudette is as easy-going as always. Nothing bothers her… ever.
I wish I was more like her. But no matter what will happen, I can deal with anything. The past few months have proven that.
We get ready for bed. I pick a mattress by the window and so does Aiden. He falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, but I’m too wired to sleep.
The starry sky beckons me, and I stare out the window, taking in this magnificent sight. The last time I did this, I imagined Tiero doing the same and talked to him in my head. I felt so connected to him that night.
My hand goes to my stomach, caressing it.
Is Tiero watching the stars tonight too? Can he sense me thinking of him?
Eventually, my eyelids grow heavy, and I fall asleep just after spotting a shooting star.
I wish… I wish… that everything will work out, and we’re all happy and safe. Amen.
Chapter Eighteen
Dawnispouringthroughthe window. The soft light teases my tired eyes.
This is too early for me.
My mind jumps to that talk Ian wants to have, and my stomach flutters and twitches.
God, what if he sends us packing?
The sun is slowly rising and still partially hidden by the tallest mountain peak in the distance.
I lift my head to see who else is awake. Aiden’s bed is empty—no surprise there. He’s probably doing his exercise routine outside. And Claudette is still peacefully slumbering in her corner—also no surprise.
Meditation and yoga sound like a wonderful way to start the day, but I don’t want to disturb the current group dynamic… not if we can’t stay.
Perhaps tomorrow, if we get the thumbs up from headmaster Ian. The reference makes me chuckle. He’s definitely got a headmaster’s vibe.
He strikes me as a man of few words, sitting back to listen more than talk. It will make whatever he has to say more impactful and make people take notice.
Feeling restless, I get up and decide to take a bath. To my delight, Aiden got the fire going already and everything is cozy warm downstairs. The bathroom holds a clawfoot tub that’s placed by the window overlooking the valley below.
It’s decided, at least for my part, I’ll never leave here. This is heaven.
After breakfast, the residents meet to discuss what needs to get done for the day and assign tasks to each person.
Beside Ian, Miriam, Tara the naturopath and Ralph the psychologist, there are ten guests here. From what I’ve heard around the kitchen this morning, they’re all intending to stay for the winter. Rug up everybody! It’s gonna get cold.
When we’re all alone in the house, Ian motions to the sitting area where a warm fire is flickering. Besides the three of us, Miriam stayed too, and we all follow Ian and sit down on the various couches.
My stomach is in knots, and my legs are itching to bounce. Ian’s expression is unreadable, his face serious.
“Claude, you mentioned in your card you need to hide with your friends. Why? What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?”
My eyes widen at his directness. And why is he assuming it’s Claudette who needs help? I know she has a colorful past. Has Ian helped her out before?
I speak up before Claudette can answer. “It’s me who has to hide,” I say, my cheeks heating.
“I got involved with a man on my vacation in Sicily. He turned out to be the head of the mafia there. He kidnapped me, but I managed to escape.”