Page 81 of Fierce Vow
“I’m serious,” I plead. My voice edged with hysteria. “You can’t be here, Belov… You don’t know what he’s capable of. He won’t take kindly to you crashing this party.”
“Has he hurt you? Are you okay?” He scans my body, looking for welts or bruises but there are none. Because Belov didn’t have to use physical force with me. He used a much more persuasive method. Threats that I have no doubt he will make good on. Which is why Leo, my brother, the Kozlovs, they all need to go.
And there is only one way for me to make sure that happens.
“I’m all right, I promise. He hasn’t hurt me. In fact,” I take a breath, gathering steel for the acting job of the century. “This was my idea. It’s what I want. A life with my father.”
“Bullshit,” Leo explodes, loud enough that heads turn.
“Shhh,” I beg, fear clawing up my throat. “Please—”
“Belov abducted you, and he’s forcing you into this,” Leo continues, his voice unwavering. “I know you. All you’ve ever wanted is to live a normal life. Even if he is your father, you’d never choose to run his empire alongside him.”
Unwelcome tears burn behind my eyelids, but I fight them. Just as I fight to maintain my composure. “My father is… surprisingly flexible. He cares about my happiness.” The words ring false, and Leo’s doubtful expression is proof that he’s not buying it. Before I can try for a more convincing tone, his head jolts upwards as his hand grazes his ear.
“Chert” he bites. “Andrei gave me the signal, we need to move.”
“Take Kira,” I plead “but I can’t leave.” Not without serious repercussions.
“Please, baby. I’m not leaving without you,” he insists, his words thick with raw emotion. “I can’t live without you, Aly. I won’t.”
“You have to, Leo. You have to.” A lone tear escapes, which I quickly brush away. Then from behind Leo, I see my father heading towards us, a smile on his face, his arm outstretched like he’s been looking for me.
“Go,” I beg under my breath. “Belov is coming.”
“There’s a wine cellar in the basement. Meet me there. Down two floors to the right. If I don’t see you in ten minutes, I’ll come back up and look for you. There’s nothing you can say that will make me leave without you. Nothing.”
I can’t respond, not with my father’s eyes on me, so I take another toast off the platter, and breeze past him like he’s actually just a server and not the man I love.
“I’m glad you had a chance to grab a bite. It’s a long night, and the champagne continues to flow,” Belov says, grasping my elbow.
My nerves are frayed, but I force a serene smile onto my face. “Me too. The food is delicious,” I say, walking in the opposite direction of Leo. “You’ve really outdone yourself.” I’m laying it on thick, but I want to put Belov at ease. If he thinks I’m happy, maybe he’ll lower his guard.
"Could it be?” He gives me a wry smile. “You’re not actually enjoying yourself, are you?"
“Maybe a little.”
“How about a dance?” he gestures towards the middle of the room filled with couples swaying to the music of a string quartet.
“Of course,” I say, because there’s really no other acceptable answer. I take my father’s hand and allow him to lead me to the dance floor. Placing his hand at the small of my back as we begin to dance, he projects the air of a perfect gentleman.
But I see through his act. For all the wealth, prestige, and confidence he displays to the world, I see the beast lurking within him—hungry and fierce.
"I need to confess something," Belov starts, his voice unsettlingly soft. I stiffen, my nerves wound tight as a coiled spring. “I was married once. It didn’t go all that well, to be honest, and I had no interest in trying again or having children. But when I learned I had a daughter… it shifted my perspective. There’s no point in any of this if I have no one to share it with.” He falls silent, his gaze drifting into the distance. “As you grow older, you start to grasp the value of family. When all is said and done, blood is the only bond that truly matters.”
I suppose this is Belov’s idea of a father-daughter bonding chat, though if anything, it just highlights how delusional he is. But I don’t have time to engage; I need to wrap this up and meet Leo in the basement before he does something reckless.
Well, more reckless.
So I force a smile and murmur, “Sure, Dad, that would be nice.”
He stops dancing and gives me a quizzical look. “Dad?”
“Since we’re bonding and all…” I lift my shoulders but can’t look him in the eye.
He seems satisfied with my response, and we soon fall back into step, even as I will this song to end so I can make a break for it. “I know this isn’t the life you’d necessarily choose, but I’m confident you’ll find your place. You were impressive on your own, but alongside me, you'll be unstoppable. The world will be yours to command."
“I was doing just fine until you came along,” I say, unable to hold back the words. Because this man has his head so far up his ass if he thinks I’ll ever find happiness by his side. I found my happiness, and I’m about to lose it a second time. Belov doesn’t respond, but the pressure of time weighs on my shoulders. “Have you seen, Kira?” I ask Belov, in what I hope is a casual tone.