Page 83 of City of Salvation
Gunner and I exchanged looks.
“You three need to get your asses on a plane and get to New York so we can nip this shit in the bud. Because we’re about to experience the joy of becoming the focus of Yuri’s full attention.”
"And how do you know we'll all just hop on a plane to New York?" I knew we all would, but Scarletta was making a lot of leaps for someone Nikki barely knew.
The laugh she let out was sarcastic. “Well, one, there’s no way in hell Ryan is going to let Nikki deal with this alone. The chick fucking Lara Crofted her way into an enemy compound not four months ago.” Gunner grunted from beside me, still pissed she hadn’t taken him with her.
“And you are in love with the woman Yuri is fucking obsessed with.”
“I am no?—”
A deep voice cut me off. “You totally are my man. It happens to the best of us. One day, you’re pulling all the hoes,” there was a yelp of pain on the other end of the line, before the guy continued, “the next moment, you’re fucking running into burning buildings that she decided to go into so she could save the other man she’s in love with. Why did we choose the independent unhinged ones?”
I wasn’t fully sure if the question was rhetorical or not, but damn did I relate.
“Anyway, ” Scar’s voice was back. “That’s why we haveto address this, because we all know there’s no way in hell you’re letting Nikki run away to face this alone.”
Fuck. She was right.
“Ryan’s already on her way to my plane. I sent the coordinates to your phones.” With that, she hung up.
True delusion was believingthat if you pretended your problems didn’t exist, they’d go away on their own. That the monsters living under your bed wouldn’t get tired of waiting for you to crawl into the dark with them.
But they always did.
And then they dragged you under, snuffing out the prettied-up fantasies you’d foolishly created.
I’dfoolishly created.
A heavy sigh left my lips as the cab pulled down a dilapidated street. The sight had my nerves ratcheting higher, and I used the fabric seats to wipe off my clammy palms.
Corrugated walls of metal buildings lined this part of the city for as far as the eye could see, only broken up by smashed-in windows and darkened street poles.
I’d considered renting a car, but that would have required a license, and Dex’s one lesson might not have been sufficient enough for me to try my hand at New York traffic.
The thought of Dex had my heart tightening, but I pushed the emotions away, locking them in a box so I could focus on whatneeded to be done.
The car rolled to a stop in front of a burnt dumpster and one of the only working lights. “You sure you want me to drop you off here?” he asked, leaning close to the windshield to peer at our surroundings before looking over his shoulder at me, clearly wondering what a five-six blonde woman would be doing here. He’d probably caught me wiping the sweat off, too.
It was a fair question, but not one I’d be answering.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” I pulled out a small stack of bills, placing them on his center console before exiting my door. At the last second, I poked my head back in the cab. “Listen, if anyone stops you, tell them Andrei gave you a pass. And for the love of all things unholy, donotfreak out. It makes you look suspicious,” I told him, watching the color drain from his face. I wasn’t sure if his reaction was because he was familiar with Andrei’s name or because this was so far out of his comfort zone. Maybe both.
“Here,” I said, pulling out a few more bills because he looked fucking petrified. I rolled my eyes when shaky fingers wrapped around the money, careful not to touch me. Like contact with me would taint him. “Maybe next time ask where they want to go before taking the fare,” I added, throwing the door closed before he answered.
He peeled out seconds after it latched, filling the air with the scent of burning rubber. I shook my head.
He’s for sure getting stopped now.
I didn’t bother moving from my spot on the sidewalk. This whole area would be carefully monitored—Andrei knew I was here the moment I’d crossed into his territory back at the railroad tracks. The piercing whistle of a train horn sounded as if on cue.
My eyelids fluttered shut as I pulled in a deep breath,holding the polluted air in my lungs for as long as possible in an attempt to steady my heartbeat.