Page 87 of City of Salvation
My mind was busy processing what he’d revealed and was therefore unavailable for filtering the inappropriate thoughts that should stay in my mind. “I doubt they’re little,” I mumbled before I could stop the thought from popping out.
A bark of laughter echoed off the brick of the office walls. “Oh, Nikki. Your dad might have fucked you up, but I think you turned out pretty good.”
I arched an eyebrow at that assessment. “I shake my ass for money, and my best friend runs firearms for the cartel.”And I fell for a tattooed biker who tortures men for me without question and fucks like a god.
That time I managed to keep the thoughts to myself. “Wait—back up. What do you meantheyarrived in New York? ” I asked, my attention back where it needed to be.
He took another puff before answering. He might not treat me like shit, but he was still an asshole and would make me wait for his answer if I pushed too hard. Fucker.
“Exactly as it sounds, Tasha. Ryan Hernandez and two men landed. Oh…” he made a show of looking at the massive wristwatch. “Five minutes ago.”
“Your ex-husband isn’t the only one who doesn’t want to let you go, it seems.” He stood and moved toward a small cabinet with liquor bottles on the top. “Now, you’re going to text Ms. Hernandez and let her know where to meet us tonight, so I don’t have them attacking my operation.”
He glanced over his shoulder at me before returning his attention to his ministrations. I wanted to flip him off, but I played nice for now because he was right. If Yuri was on his way to retrieve me himself, he’d start his search with Ryan.
“And you are going to tell them they are invited to my club tonight for abusiness meeting,” he tacked on, handing me a crystal lowball with clear liquid.
This day hadn’t gone anything like how I’d envisioned. All I’d wanted was to know if Andrei had an idea of what Yuri was doing, and where, because then I was going to head in the opposite direction. If he’d been feeling charitable, I would have asked for new documents.
Humorless laughter bubbled up, spilling over, right along with the few tears that had managed to escape. How ironic, two different sets of people I’d run from without a second glance were now coming together.
I should have felt dread, but there was nothing but relief. Andrei’s hard eyes softened a touch at my complete breakdown.
“He did fuck me up, huh?” I said, referring to Andrei’s earlier comment, clinking my glass to his outstretched one.
Andrei let out a grunt as he downed the vodka, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I always knew you’d run,” he said quietly. My brows furrowed in confusion.
“How could you possibly have known that? I didn’t know I was running until I stood at the ticket counter.”
“Because, Nikki, you didn’t love me or the Ruska Roma. You needed a chance at freedom to figure out who you are. Why do you think I let you do it? Why do you think that no one ever came after you to demand payment? You know what the price of turning your back on the family is. I’m just sorry you placed yourself in a cell by not allowing anyone close,” he said, his words cutting deep, and I had to break our eye contact.
The entire plane ride here, I’d sobbed in the bathroom, cussing out a few people when they’d tried to get me to come out. What the hell was first-class good for if I couldn’t drown my sorrows in peace before I had to shove all the emotions away and fucking survive.
I’d wondered why I never let them see me.
Why I never gavemyselfa chance to know me. Like, fuck, what did I even like to do? Or my dreams? What would I have wanted to do as a career?
What was I going to tell them?
“Why would they even want to help?” I whispered into my hands, where I’d dropped my head.
“People don’t get on a plane for hours to follow you if they don’t care, Nikki.”
“What thefuckdo you mean she said to meet her at a goddamnclubtonight?” I growled out the question, clenching my fists to avoid sending them into the nearest wall. I was losing the fight to keep my anger in check. The problem was, when I spiraled, severed limbs tended to turn up.
And random murder was frowned upon.
Ryan looked up from where she sat at the giant island. We’d barely stepped off the plane and were on our way to Scarletta’s place when the text came in to Ryan about meeting at some club. I ignored the twinge of pain at the fact she hadn’t texted me.
“Andrei owns that place,” said the big fucker leaning against one of the exposed metal I-beams in the swank apartment. Ryan had explained that Scarletta was married to the leader of The Syndicate, Caleb Callahan, but she was also fucking his best friends.