Page 157 of Not Over You
“I haven’t, but I know what’s coming.”
A few moments later, the host for the evening’s activities takes his spot on the stage. A woman in a slinky silver dress takes up a place beside him. A screen rolls down from the ceiling. “Fancy,” I mutter. The girls laugh.
Mr. Host kicks off with a reminder of why we are here… the fundraiser part, not the window-shopping part. “Tonight, we are gathered to raise funds for a very important cause: buying school supplies for families in need. Last year, we raised over $100,000 and helped over 2,000 families have the materials their children needed. So, thank you for making this important help possible.”
A round of applause rings out. We all stand and clap.
When we take our seats again, the woman takes over the mic. “And now for the part we’ve all been waiting for. We’ll let you get a sneak peek at all the bachelors before we begin the bidding. Let’s meet our first bachelor!”
The audience bursts into whistles and screams.
“From right here in Lynn’s Cove, the first bachelor is a man many of you will know. He’s a fixture on the beach, where he serves as one of our county’s famous ocean rescue team members. Bryce loves staying fit by swimming in the ocean and running. He’s six foot three and has eyes the color of vacation dreams. Please welcome Bryce Archer!”
More clapping and whistling, then the lighting narrows, and Mr. Archer strolls onto the stage.
“Oh, my god. Those Archer brothers,” groans Maddy, “All five of those Archer men are meant to be on magazine covers.”
Wendi leans in. “Cake.”
I grin, “Definitely, cake.”
He struts across the stage like he’s been on the runway before. I shake my head; he’s such a cocky thing. “Player,” I scoff, “but definitely a nice one. He’s always a great customer.”
Slinky silver dress lady says, “Thank you, Bryce,” as he strolls off the stage. “And now for our next delightful date. Bachelor number two is brand new to our area, so get him while you can, ladies. This handsome man is a policeman by day and a martial arts instructor by night. He’s six foot two and has stormy gray eyes. He loves adventurous dates. Help me welcome Detective Hunter Roman.
I choke on the fruity cocktail. And no, it’s not the seven-hundred proof alcohol. Maddy pats me on the back. Wendi laughs, “That’s cake with a kick.”
The crowd loves him.
I mean, what’s not to love—tall and lean, exotically dark with eyes that scream I’m having you for dessert tonight. Oh, he’s purely built for sex. Yes, indeed, that’s Hunter Roman, my former lover.
I’m stunned speechless for about twenty seconds. When I can find my words, I growl, “Holy shit. I know him.”
Maddy raises her brows at me, “Really?”
“Yeah, I know him, like really know him. He’s a no-good, heart-stomping son of a bitch.”
Wendi laughs, “I haven’t known you forever, but I swear I’ve never seen you with the look you’ve got in your eyes. And, by the way, he’s been around the police department for the last few days.”
I grind my teeth so hard they suddenly squeak.
Maddy whips her head around. “Is he the one—”
“Please, don’t make me relive it.”
She grimaces. “Sorry.”
Wendi twists her lips around, “So, I guess you won’t be bidding on him.”
That’s when it hits me. I am not just going to bid on him. I’m going to win him.
“Oh, I’m bidding on him.” I rip open my silver clutch purse and grab my credit card.
Maddy jumps back. “I’m not sure what’s happening here, but you just called him a son of a bitch, and now you’re going to try to win a date with him?”
I glare at bachelor number two’s back as he walks off stage, strutting like he owns the damned place. “It’s my civic duty. I’m saving some other poor unsuspecting woman from that man.”
Wendi barks out a laugh, “You just want to have angry sex with him.”