Page 165 of Not Over You
I dial up Sheila’s landline number. Marcus is talking away in the background about something on television when she answers in her frail voice, “Hello, Hunter.”
“Hey, Sheila, how are you tonight?”
She shuts off the television. I hear her whisper, “Homework.” She returns to the phone and replies to me. “Besides old, I’m just fine.”
“Just checking in. Sounds like things are going okay.”
“We did fine. But he misses you.”
I rub my hand across my face, fatigue hitting me. “I miss him too. I’m going to look for a place as soon as I can. I hope you’re doing okay together.”
“We’re making do. Staying busy helps him. It’s definitely harder being here in this house than at your place.”
“I know. I think it helps for him to have that distance from the memories. Thanks for taking him around today.”
“Of course. Your new job going alright?”
“Yeah, I think I’m going to like it. And the money is so much better. It will let me provide a lot more for Marcus.”
I hear a sniffle. I know she’s tearing up. “You’re a fine man, Hunter. Thank you for stepping up and giving Marcus a good life with a good male role model.”
I wince at the words. I hope I’m that. I put the truck in gear and start rolling toward the hotel. “I’m doing my best.”
“It’s all any of us can ask.”
“Sheila, promise me you will call if you need anything.”
“Will do. Good luck with the math homework. Thanks for saving me. Goodnight, Hunter.” She ends the call with a sad smile in her voice.
My eyes are bleary from the long day by the time I get to the hotel room. I strip off my shirt and lean back on the mound of pillows. I ring up Marcus on FaceTime. He’s more chatty than normal as he first complains about, then explains his homework.
He’s a smart kid, so I really just need to encourage him through it. Thank god.
It’s been waaaay too long since I’ve done math.
Every time we do homework together, I swear rust falls out of my head for days.
After he finishes a few problems, I smile at him. “See, you know how to do this!”
“Maybe,” Marcus grins sheepishly.
“Maybe nothing. I think you’ve got a good math brain.”
He shrugs his steadily growing shoulders. “I dunno.”
“Let’s finish up so you can get to bed. Big day tomorrow, huh? Got school photos, right?”
He groans and hides his face. “Please no. Don’t remind me.”
I chuckle. “I used to feel the same way. Just remember your Nan and I both want a photo.”
“Can I wear that wig I got for Halloween? The curly red one?”
I snicker. Oh boy. He got Ryan’s sense of humor for sure. “I am not going to say yes or no.”
He jumps up and shouts. “That means yes!”
I’m belly laughing now. “Take that up with your Nan.”