Page 168 of Not Over You
We’re both laughing as we squeeze past a small group in the hallway who are discussing the flooring. Kat rounds the corner into the master suite, and I follow on her heels. We draw up short as we take in a monster four poster bed with gauzy drapes surrounding it.
Kat’s voice is all ooey. “Oh, my heavens, I love this bed. Doesn’t this just conjure up some dreamy fantasies?”
That’s when I hear an all too familiar male voice in his dusty gravel tone, “Yeah, Rachel, can’t you just picture yourself in this bed all alone?”
I gasp. “Hunter! The nerve of you...”
Grinning triumphantly, Hunter leans his shoulder into one of the big bed posts. He studies me with an angled head for a second. “I didn’t think I’d see you in a bedroom so soon.”
Kat clears her throat. “Uh, you two know each other?”
Hunter nods. There’s a feral tilt to his handsome mouth. “You could say that. We are friends from way back. Rachel, I see you know my realtor.”
I sputter for a second, “Your realtor? She’s my realtor. And my friend.”
Kat casually replies, “Actually, I’m working for both of you.”
I cut my eyes from Kat to Hunter. I’m definitely not ready to talk to Hunter. I should be working up that apology but it’s somehow stuck between my confused brain and my hooha.
I stop myself, take a big breath, then force my face to go soft. I will not let him push my nuclear button—the one in my brain or the one beneath my panties.
Nope. Not going there.
He always makes me lose control. That has to stop right now.
I steel my voice. “I’m ready to leave, I’ve seen enough.” Kat pulls a softly jingling phone from her pocket and holds up a finger, “Gotta take this. I’ll be right back.” She strolls into the master bath to speak privately.
I’m left staring at the too handsome face of the man who makes my heart flop around like some stupid butterfly. “Are you house shopping?”
He pushes off the bed and strolls over to the window. “Yep.”
I swallow a lump of sawdust. “That means you're staying in Lynn’s Cove.”
He turns and smiles. This time it’s not feral, it’s hopeful instead. “I am. It’s a nice town. I took a job here, in case you didn’t know.”
I nod, unable to speak.
Hunter is going to be living in MY town.
This is not happening…
Especially the part where I am standing around alone in a bedroom that looks like it was cut right from a period romance novel with the man who alternately makes me hot between my legs and hot around the collar.
I’ve got to get away from here. My eyes dart to the door and I figure Hunter sees me eyeing an escape... so, of course, he decides to make small talk.
“Weird bar out back, huh?”
I cross my arms. Come on, Kat, hurry up. “It is.”
“And the loud-talker, did he get you too?”
I roll my eyes. “Yep, my right ear will never be the same.”
“Left side for me.”
I glance down at the crumpled paper in my hand, I have to ask even though it’s rude. “Is this in your… you know, range?”