Page 185 of Not Over You
“Rach, it is all just perfect, like it is. Don’t worry.”
I sigh. “Thank you, Ms. Philosopher.”
She giggles. “Now, tell me about the house.”
I feel my face turn to sunshine. “Oh, it’s so pretty. The light in the living room is amazing. And it’s got a yard that’s big enough for a pool one day.”
“Sounds like a great place. And, who knows, maybe you’ll even have a family splashing around in that pool one day.”
I grin. “Yep, that’s what I was thinking. But not any time soon. I’ve got other things on my mind. Like ordering the gifts for next season.”
A little twinge of guilt bites at me. Should I tell Maddy now that I’ve really got dreams of a boutique. She is my best friend after all.
“Hey, Maddy.”
She looks up from the gift catalog on her lap. “Yep?”
“I know I’ve mentioned the idea of a clothing boutique before.”
“I know fashion is way more your cup of tea than Lynn’s Cove souvenirs.”
I smile. “I do like ordering the t-shirts.”
“Whatever, I see you eyeing all the other nice clothes when you’re browsing the wholesalers.”
I frown. “I guess I do.”
“Why don’t you start a little fashion section in the store. And, who knows, maybe you can expand and open a Beach Vibes Boutique.”
I study Maddy’s bright emerald green eyes. She’s such a beautiful soul. “You know. I like that idea.”
She goes back to looking at the catalog. “Hey, look at these…” She points to some flashy costume rings. “People will love these.”
I grin and start entering them into the online order form for our supplier. “Yes, they will.”
It would be really easy to get carried away ordering clothes and accessories. I set the catalogs aside that I‘ve been buried in for the last two days, and force myself to get up, so I can get ready for the realtor to pick me up.
A yawn comes out of me as I stretch.
I managed to bury my nose in merchandise options and keep the what-if’s at bay. I refused to think about the house and about Hunter ninety percent of the time.
I should pat myself on the back because Hunter is damned hard not to think about.
The man is a control-wrecking force of nature.
Damn him.
Irritation has me brushing my hair too hard. Really? Can I really be letting him back in my life?
He disappeared once…
Why should I trust that a man like him won’t do the same again?
The voice of reason pops up in my head. He’s older. Sure. We both are.
And he’s moving to Lynn’s Cove permanently… that’s far different from our circumstances last time.
But my heart feels shy.