Page 24 of Not Over You
“GO!” she yells, aggressively pointing to the door.
“I will, just please tell me why the hell you are dressed like that?”
“I’m going to the Renaissance Fair with Sam if you must know.”
As soon as I hear his name, the smile is wiped off my face. “Sounds lame.”
“Just go and stop being an asshole.”
“Fine, I don’t need to watch this train wreck.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret them. The hurt is written all over her face, and I wish I could take them back.
“Please go,” she says, her voice more sad than angry now.
I nod and leave the apartment, wondering why I had to say that.
Since I’m not sure what to do, I head to the coffee shop. I order a caramel something or other and settle myself in one of the booths. Using one of their laptops, I google Renaissance Fair to see what she’s actually going to be doing. As I sip my coffee, I am surprised to see that what I’m looking at doesn’t appear to be that bad. There’s jousting and beer, or as they call it, mead. You can get drunk there and eat a lot. What’s not to love about that?
My conscience still nags at me. I wish I hadn’t laughed at her or said what I did. After two lattes and a cheese danish, I decide to head back to the apartment and try to make amends. I should at least apologize for being such a giant ass. Hopefully, she didn’t leave yet, or worse, Sam is there.
When I walk into the apartment, I think I hear her in her bedroom. Walking over to her door, I put my ear to it and listen. At first, I don’t hear anything, but then a soft sob meets my ear. My heart pinches inside my chest. Did I make her this upset? I feel like a heel.
I rap my knuckles lightly on the door. “Nina,” I call, “are you okay?”
For a moment, there is no answer, but the sobs and sniffles have stopped.
I knock again. “Nina?”
“Go away.”
I don’t want to go away if she’s upset, especially if she’s upset with me. Then I hear her sobs again. No, this isn’t just about me laughing at her. This has to be something else. That asshole must have stood her up. Why would anyone do that to her? I realize I can stand out here, making assumptions all day, or I can just go in and see what’s wrong.
I put my hand on the knob. “I’m coming in,” I tell her. I pause for just a moment, waiting for her to say no, but when she doesn’t answer, I push her bedroom door open.
When I walk in, she’s sitting on the floor in front of her bed. Her gown has pooled around her, kind of resembling a mushroom. Her hair is fixed beautifully. When she lifts her gaze to meet mine, my heart breaks. Her artfully done makeup has been smeared all over her face. Dark trails of mascara streak down her cheeks. She sniffs and looks at her hands.
“You were right to laugh at me,” she says, “I’m so stupid, he didn’t even show up.”
“No, I shouldn’t have laughed. It wasn’t a funny laugh, you just surprised me. It was more of a nervous laugh. Your boobs look fantastic,” I say, trying to make her feel better.
A flush creeps across her cheeks, and despite the state of her makeup, she’s still breathtakingly beautiful. I want to go to her and pull her in my arms, but instead, I lean on her doorframe.
“The fair looked cool. I Googled some stuff.”
She wails, “I just wanted to eat a turkey leg. They look delicious.” Her voice goes really high-pitched, and tears stream down her face.
“Okay, you know what. You want a turkey leg? We’ll go get you a turkey leg.”
She hiccups softly, and her eyes grow wide. “No, what if he’s there?”
I shrug. “I’ll kick his ass.” I mean it too, if we run into him, I’m going to make sure he knows exactly what kind of giant douchebag he is.
She smiles, “If you’re sure you want to go with a hot mess like me.”
I flash her a broad smile, and I wink. “You look beautiful, Nina. Freshen up your makeup if you want. Hell, go like that for all I care. You’ll still be the fairest maiden there. When you’re ready, I’ll be waiting out there to take you.”
She offers me a timid smile, and it makes my heart leap in my chest.
I back out of the room and close the door behind me. While I am excited to get to spend time with her, I can’t say that I am particularly happy about the circumstances that have led up to it. What kind of asshole stands up a woman as beautiful as Nina?