Page 253 of Not Over You
Owen’s eyes shine as he looks out over the crowd. “Hang in there with me, Brooke. Now that we’ve got safety and security in place, the sales will follow. Within a year’s time, you and Trudy could be packing for your favorite spot in Charleston. Samantha told me that was your dream: to make the money to get back to the city you had to leave.”
The comment twists my stomach. A few weeks ago, I wanted nothing more than to do just that. I was Charleston bound and wanted nothing more to do with Frost Forest other than see it in my rearview window. I automatically look to Mack, and my chest starts feeling heavy.
Owen pulls out his phone. “You know what; I’m going to have someone from the Lodge go out and stock the stablemaster’s house with beer and food. Tomorrow I want everyone to be able to celebrate. You and Trudy come on out, and we’ll have a celebratory lunchtime cookout . Hopefully the smokejumpers will want to sign on the dotted line afterward.” He winks.
I agree, but I’m still swirling in a massive inner tornado of emotional confusion.
Owen’s eyes soften, and he nods toward Mack. “Everything’s changed since he arrived, hasn’t it?”
“Yes, everything has changed.”
Oh God, did Mack tell Owen about our past without telling me? I decide to play it safe and avoid eye contact.
“All right then. Can you hang out here today if you don’t have any scheduled tours and take pictures? I want photos of this event on Golden Meadow’s website by Monday.”
“Yes, sir.”
Owen’s cell starts belting out, “I came in like a wrecking ball!” He looks up and grins.
I point at his cell. “Is that—?”
“Miley Cyrus? Yes. It means my brother Wesley’s calling. It’s a fitting ringtone for him, trust me.”
I let out a snort of laughter. “Oh, my goodness. Please thank Wesley for installing the new security system in the manager’s cottage. Aunt Trudy and I now plan on moving in soon.”
Owen answers the call with, “Whatever it is, the answer is no.” He turns, chuckling, and gives me a wave before walking toward the front of the crowd to give a welcome speech.
Nothing could’ve prepared me for this day.
Information was shared about the new residential and wildland firefighting facility, then the initial station tours got underway. Afterward, it was nothing short of the Olympics.
Although I didn’t get to talk with Mack, I got to stare at him for eight hours and watch him compete in a stair climb with a high-rise pack race, a hose hoist, forcible entry, and victim rescue.
When I didn’t think my admiration for him could grow any more, he’d find a way to impress me.
And impress he did.
A dozen single ladies made it no secret that they wanted to help welcome Mack to the Frost Forest community.
I had to remind myself several times that Mack was in fact single. Just because he smiled at a woman or thanked her for her unnecessary assistance, that didn’t mean I had to stand stewing in the hot sun, throwing daggers with my eyes.
There was one mortifying moment after I threw a death glare at a cute blonde in her early twenties who ran over to give Mack a hand getting up from the ground that I thought he saw me. I looked back at him, and although he wasn't looking directly at me, I saw his signature hint of a smile play around the corners of his lips.
Other than my newfound jealousy of every woman Mack ran his eyes over, the day was a blast. Throughout the event, more spectators gathered and got in on the friendly competition that fired up between Mack and Ryker.
I found myself holding my breath during each competition and involuntarily cheering each time Mack won.
And he won everything.
Except the timed dress test. It was the first competition, and he didn’t participate.
The sun is starting to hang low in the sky, and all the competitions are finished and the station tours concluded. The day has been a smashing success. By the end of the afternoon, four of the five Brocker brothers are in attendance with their wives and small children, which has a lot of people buzzing with excitement. The only one missing is the youngest, Zach, and his wife, Chloe. Apparently, they are visiting the in-laws to share the happy news that Chloe is expecting.
Samantha Broker, a Frost Forest native and drop-dead-gorgeous flame-haired beauty, walks beside her husband to the front of the crowd. Owen keeps a hand on the small of his wife’s back as someone hands him a mic.
The crowd goes quiet. “First of all, I want to thank everyone who came out to Lyons Station's first recruitment event.”
Hoots and hollers erupt from spectators and participants alike. Owen pumps a fist in the air, and the crowd’s energy only grows. “Today was amazing because it showed us what a community can do when it comes together. The great people of Frost Forest and our friends from all over, sea to shining sea, including the California smokejumpers, you outdid yourselves today. It's with a humble and grateful heart that I am thrilled to announce that according to the signups, Lyons Station will officially be up and running by the first day of summer!”