Page 267 of Not Over You
I slide my hands to Candice’s hips, lean into her body, and tease my lips against the sensitive spot right below her earlobe. “Maybe I've embraced my new career path and stopped wasting my award-winning investigative skills. I used to be a well-known someone else before I became Mr. Showbiz, you know.”
“You promised to teach me a thing or two with those investigative skills,” she purrs in reply. Sending a shiver racing up my spine. “I'm still waiting.”
Thank God for Candi!
She'd kick started my libido and re-engaged my brain with living in the present before disaster could strike. And where Ashleigh was concerned, disaster did strike, every single time. Part of me is still expecting the repercussions of getting the she-devil into my bed the last time.
It had taken sixteen years and a broken heart to finally kick my addiction to Ashleigh, and it was thanks to the beautiful woman with the ivory skin who was currently sliding her hand where no hand should go in public.
I make a swift turn, pull her flush against me and her eyes dazzle with desire. “If I understand that look correctly,” I pause to lean forward again, brush my cheek against hers, and murmur into her ear, “what you have in mind is not suitable for a public audience. Want to blow this off?”
“I thought you'd never ask.”
The zing of physical chemistry between us arrows straight to my groin. Yep, I’ve found a distraction all right. I’m getting laid.
“Oh my God!”
A chair clatters at my feet.
My arms wrap around Candice as I pull her from the accusative shriek of another woman. My gaze sweeps the bar for the pending action. But nothing. No one is moving.
The woman who'd leapt out of her seat stares at the large television screen. Her mouth gaping open. The Jackson Matthews Show is well into the two-hour reunion special with Justin Ramirez and Krystal Valentina holding the spotlight. She’s standing in front of the host’s desk with Ramirez…bent on one knee!
The world slows down as someone shouts out for the TV audio.
The movie star puts his hand into his pocket and withdraws a small square jewelry box.
My heart thuds against the wall of my chest as he reveals an enormous diamond ring. Huge. So big it glitters beneath the studio lights.
This is not happening.
“Krystal Valentina,” Justin says, his voice bursting over the sound system. “Will you marry me?”
No! She can't marry Ramirez, she belongs to me!
The possessive roar pounds inside my head, louder than the blood thumping in my ears. I await her answer as if it were me who’d asked the question.
The cheering and catcalls of the studio audience fall silent, but Krystal remains still.
So still, she doesn't even blink.
The only sign she hasn't completely turned to stone is the rapid rise and fall of her chest beneath the stunning white strapless leather cat-suit that enhances her every curve and calls to me like a siren. My stomach clenches in a way my head demands I never clench again. Not for her. Never for her.
Her bright red painted lips part. I lean slightly forward, anticipating her reply, but she snaps her mouth shut. She blinks in rapid succession, something I’ve never seen her do before. I’ve never seen her shocked into silence before. And the darting of her eyes in disbelief is another first for her.
She stutters? Krystal doesn’t stutter. Ashleigh does.
“Did you just say...”
Her gaze is searching Justin's face for something. But whatever it is she doesn’t appear to find it.
“You? And me!” Her waist-length dark cherry waves bounce as she shakes her head. “Tell me you’re not serious?”