Page 269 of Not Over You
Okay. Something isn’t right in the world anymore. She’d been as complicit in their relationship as he was. What did she know now that she didn’t know when they were practically having sex on a public beach this morning?
More importantly, why didn’t I know?
“No!” Justin grabs Krystal's upper arm and forces her to look at him. “That’s not what this is!”
“Is she really ditching Justin Ramirez live on TV?” someone calls out into the silent bar.
Expectant eyes focus on me. Voices whisper. I’m JT Preston. Of course I know what’s going on…right?
“It’s a publicity stunt!” a cynical voice shouts from the back. “They're using their history to get people to go buy that movie of theirs.”
Of course, it is!
And they played me like a puppet on strings.
History repeating itself.
And once again, I’m blindsided by my feelings for her!
I never dreamt she'd do this, though. Not to me. She knew it had happened before. She knew I lost my career, my wife, my daughter, and my home. I'd ended up moving west and starting all over again. How could she do this to me?
“Please, Sparkle—” Justin starts.
“Don’t you dare call me that!” It’s a vicious growl that’s forced through clenched teeth.
My jaw plummets. I’ve pushed her before. I’ve pushed her to the verge of an apocalypse. She’s never spoken to me like that. If a tone of voice could inflict physical pain the man would be writhing in agony—or worse, he might even be dead.
“Krystal, please don’t do this.” He steps into the space between them, drawers his fingers down her cheek. “It’s real. I meant every word.”
She looks like she’s going to break. Her lips tremble. Her eyes glisten under the studio lights. There’s something different about her that I can’t quite put my finger on, but she doesn’t care about the cameras, or the audience, or even about her stepfather hosting the show.
She doesn't even give a damn about the career she's fought so hard to rebuild. She isn't perfect. She’s still human after all. I watch her flinch at Justin's loving touch.
Ashleigh’s back!
“Do you know why you'll never marry me, Justin?”
Ramirez swallows slowly, and it’s like he’s got a boulder stuck in his throat for all the effort it takes.
“Because lightning will never strike when you look into my eyes.”
She turns on her heels and sets off.
And so do I!
“Sean!” Candice’s hand curls around my arm. Stopping me from walking away. “Where are you going?” Wasn't it obvious? “You're going to miss your moment of glory.”
Oh crap, of course. My moment in the spotlight is insignificant.
I look back at the big screen. Justin Ramirez sits on the sofa staring at the ring in his hands. The shell-shocked host, Jackson Matthews, announces that’s all they have time for. The promo for my segment doesn’t come. The advert that’s supposed to run after the credits doesn't appear either. Thirty or so people around me are about to lose their jobs if I don’t fix this.
Bye-bye career. Again!
“Well, that message was received loud and clear!” I take Candice’s hand from my arm. “I’ve got work to do. I need to talk to Krystal.” A nervous laugh breaks out around the table. “I'm serious. I need to know exactly what is going on, and this time I'll get it straight from the horse’s mouth.”
“When will you learn Sean? It's easier to interview with the President than it is to interview Krystal Valentina. God only knows what hoops Jackson Matthews agreed to jump through to get her on his show.”
“None, or had you forgotten, Jackson’s her stepdad?” I get Candice’s impatient glare in return for my sarcasm. “You can tell the executives over at Channel Six we have the exclusive story from Krystal Valentina for Monday’s segment.”