Page 285 of Not Over You
“I'm sorry, Darryl,” Ashleigh whispers. “This is my fault. I shouldn’t have come.” Her hands tremble in her lap. “When Ryder gets back from LA, we’ll go to Florida tonight.”
I stare at her. Not sure what I’m seeing. She had grown. She had changed. The timid freshman law student, terrified of her own shadow, with trembling hands, had all but disappeared by the time she qualified to practice law. What the hell had happened to bring her back now?
“No, Ashleigh.” The soft-spoken psychiatrist is back. As he speaks to Ashleigh, Darryl removes a tissue from his pocket, hands it to her, and crouches in front of her. “You’re not going anywhere.”
Immediately, Ashleigh begins folding the tissue. I recognize her motions. It’s a habit she’s had for as long as I’ve known her, but she’s kept it under control these past few months. Why is Darryl keeping her hands busy now? “You haven't done anything wrong, and Julia would kill me if I let you leave.”
“But everything's just too awkward.” Ashleigh shakes her head. “I shouldn’t have come.”
“You most definitely should have,” Darryl says through his teeth. “If it wasn’t for you Julia and I would never have met.” He sighs. “I’m sorry we asked Mimi to be Maid of Honor. But you took off Wednesday night and we couldn’t get through to you.”
I look at Mimi. She rolls her eyes and turns away. So, Ashleigh was supposed to be Maid of Honor? Is that what all this tension is about? Ashleigh is making something that isn’t supposed to be all about her! Why did I expect anything else?
“We didn’t expect you to be here, and Mimi’s been great, like you wouldn’t believe. She’s done everything exactly the way Jules wanted, and Jules hasn’t even had to ask, you know. She’s been a great help with everything. She was the natural next choice.”
I look at the tissue crane sitting in the palm of Ashleigh’s hand. Jeez, I really don’t know Ashleigh if this is what triggered her anxiety again.
“Please,” Darryl continues, “You’re more like Julia’s sister than her best friend. We wouldn’t be getting married if it wasn’t for you, and it wouldn’t feel right to get married without you here.”
“Okay.” Ashleigh nods. “But if you don’t mind, Darryl, I’m going to skip the rest of the rehearsal and lie down.”
“Sure.” Darryl stands. “I’ll see you at the rehearsal dinner later.”
He sends a searing glare over his shoulder at Mimi and me, and then, without another word, he walks out.
What the hell? Have I stepped into an alternate reality where the golden light forever shines on Ashleigh Jordan? I’m damn sure before the wedding rehearsal began Darryl was on my side. Now we’re not fit for the doghouse, while Ashleigh is spending her afternoon having a nap!
Like hell she is!
I’m getting to the bottom of this before she goes anywhere.
I wait for Darryl to close the door before I spin toward Ashleigh. “What the fuck is going on?”
She looks up at me. Her hands are still shaking as she twists her fingers together.
“How come you get all the sympathy and we get our asses kicked?” I demand. “And what's the deal with the shakes? When did they come back?”
“They haven’t.” Mimi cackles walking toward me. “Didn’t you know my sister can turn on the waterworks?” She turns to Ashleigh. “Why'd you come here? These are my friends, and this is my life you're destroying. I don't want you here.”
I know the minute it happens. I see the fire burn through her emerald eyes. Ashleigh disappears behind the super-bitch alter ego. She leaps to her feet and pauses as something else flashes in her eyes. But it’s quickly dismissed.
“Come again?” She erupts. “Because I could’ve sworn you said this was your life that I was destroying.” There it is again. That tone I’d never heard her use before. “If I’m destroying your life then please tell me why my fiancé won’t take my calls.”
“Whoa!” I step between the twins, shielding Mimi from her sister. “That’s not Mimi’s fault.” She’s already hurt Mimi enough this week. She didn’t need to tear her sister to shreds because Mimi knew which buttons triggered a nuclear reaction. “It’s time me and you talked.” I grab the fleshy part of her upper arm; it’s surprisingly less firm than I remember. Ashleigh gives an odd sounding yelp as I drag her toward the door. “Let’s go”
A razor-sharp pain tears through my spine as Sean drags me out into the corridor.
“Sean, slow down!” I plead.
He doesn't.
The intensity increases as I struggle to keep up. I can’t focus on the people we pass by, or the pictures on the walls or the exquisite ornamental displays. It’s all a blur behind the pain.
“Sean, please!”