Page 295 of Not Over You
“But you went to live with Ashleigh. Why couldn’t I have had that with you? Why didn’t you want me?”
“Didn’t want you? Who told you that bullshit?” Rage lifts my voice, but Stephi doesn’t reply. “Stephi, I tried to get you back. I tried to bring you to LA. Once I had a job. It was all arranged; your Aunt Julia was going to babysit you while I was at work. You wouldn’t come!”
“You chose her over me.”
“Stop saying that!” I cry out. “I couldn’t look after you for a while. I was a mess. On top of that, I was unemployable. I had no money. I was living back at your grandparents. I had no choice but to leave you with your mom until I was back on my feet. Yes, I came to LA. But I’d been out of work for nearly two years and Ashleigh knew someone willing to give me a job. It’s the only reason I came. I hate that I’m so far away from you. And I miss you like crazy.”
“You told me to never tag you in my social posts. You never like or comment on them. I speak to you once a week, for half an hour. And once a month you come to New York, but you always say you’re coming and change your plans last minute. If it’s not about her, then it’s me! You don’t want to be around me!”
“I use a pseudonym to protect you from predators online. I have hundreds of thousands of followers. I don’t want you tagging me, because it makes you more vulnerable than you already are as a very beautiful fifteen-year-old girl. I’d tip my world upside down for you if this is something you truly want. But you must understand something. Ashleigh isn't going to disappear just because you move to LA. I told you this earlier. She’s Julia’s best friend. Her client. And she’s one of the most talked about stars in the world. I can dial back on the time I spend reporting on her. But I can’t just ignore her. My job won’t allow it.”
“You still love her, don't you?”
“Yes,” I admit.
Can I tell her? I look away for a second. Should I?
When I told her we were getting married fifteen months ago, she didn’t speak to me until it hit the news that Krystal and Justin were an item. I hate the idea of using a mistake to my advantage, but I have a sneaking suspicion Stephi hasn't thought through moving to LA at all.
She has stars in her eyes and dreams of fame and fortune. It was a life that came at a high price. She only had to ask Mimi about the toll it had taken on her. Or Ashleigh, who is considerably less control freakish than she usually is. Or me, who spends most of my life at parties and events I don’t want to be at.
It's a price Stephi will pay ten-fold before she receives any reward. I need to be sure she’s making the right decision, and for the right reasons.
“I didn’t know how to tell you,” I give Stephi a pointed look. “We're already married.”
“I hate you!”
The door slams in my face.
I’m used to the silent treatment.
I received it plenty of times from Julia when we were kids. She’s become proficient at issuing those murderous glares I’m receiving now. She used to practice on me throughout middle and high school.
I wish I’d never called Julia, but I fucked up, and was at a loss of what to do when even sacred strawberries failed to work on Stephi. She wouldn’t leave her room.
Anyone would think it’s my sister I’ve mortally offended with my stupid plan to get Stephi to think twice. Of course, the plan backfired. Severely. But for some reason, I’ve been unable to do anything right since I watched the Baker’s Dozen reunion and realized Ashleigh was back in control again.
I don’t want Stephi to change her mind. I’d love it if she moves to LA. She could learn so much from having Ashleigh around. God willing Stephi is prepared to learn anything from a multi award-winning actress like Ashleigh.
But I followed my heart and moved to LA thinking Ashleigh’s gesture was a message. It wasn’t. We’d done nothing but fight for five years and I’ve been miserable. That’s a hell of a mistake to make. If Stephi is making the choice for the wrong reasons, I’m not going to let her repeat my mistake. Stephi needs to be sure Jordan Academy is what she really wants.
To top it all off, she’d come out of her room, declaring she was ready for the rehearsal dinner, caked in makeup and wearing a low-cut tight fitting dress and a pair of ridiculously high heels.
My dad-genes kicked in and I flat out refused to let her go to Julia's wedding rehearsal dinner looking like a prostitute. She'd run back into her room sobbing all over again and had refused to come out at all. Nice going, idiot!
Julia worked enough magic to coerce a clear skinned, pajamas-clad teen to babysit for Tommy instead of coming to the dinner. When they left the room, Stephi had just glared at me and left without giving the strawberries a sniff or second look.
“How could you do that, Sean?” Julia paused with her hand on the door. “How could you let her believe you’re putting Ash before her when you don’t give a damn about Ash and you never did?”
“She has her head in the clouds.”
“She’s fifteen. Her head is where it’s supposed to be.”
“Am I supposed to make fun of her for eating a burger on my blog? And then what do I do when she’s got an eating disorder? Or when she’s an addict? Or when she can’t handle the pressure? Mimi cracked, remember? All Stephi sees right now is her name in lights.”