Page 340 of Not Over You
And should definitely stay that way.
“It’s kind of worrying me, though.”
Caroline turned to look at Nadia. The look of concern on her face made her look much more mature than a teenager. “What is?”
Nadia hesitated for a moment and sagged back against the wall. “My dad alone. I mean, it was great for the most part growing up. A bunch of the other kids with dad’s like mine were always bitching about their horrible step-moms and step sibs. I never had to deal with any of that, but I can’t even begin to think about what he’s going to do when I leave home. I mean that’s a few years from now, but he’s been alone for almost all my life, I don’t know if he even remembers how to romance a woman. I’ve never even seen him kiss someone.”
Caroline remembered all too well Lucas’ skill at kissing and swallowed down the lump in her throat. “I don’t think you have to worry. When he’s ready, he’ll… he’ll find someone.”
That caught Nadia’s interest.
She tilted her head to the side and set her gaze on Caroline’s face. “Someone?”
Wow. There was a tone in her voice that put Caroline on edge.
Nadia’s smile didn’t help Caroline feel easier about the exchange. “I was kind of hoping you’d tell me why my dad has always had a thing for you? Did something happen when you guys worked together?”
Her questions stunned Caroline and sent an unfamiliar shiver through her spine.
The last thing Caroline was going to tell Nadia was that she had been a hairsbreadth away from shagging her dad, in his kitchen no less. The thought was never far from Caroline’s mind. She dreamed of it over and over again, but in her dreams they got farther and farther along, sometimes even finishing, but it always felt… imaginary.
Before either of them could say something, Nadia’s cell phone chimed, and she looked at the screen. Smiling, she turned to look out the window again.
Nadia looked over her shoulder and gestured for Caroline to look out as well.
Lucas was standing there, surrounded by chickens at his feet, but he was looking up at them.
“Dad wants to know if we want him to start lunch.”
Caroline saw the expectant look on his face and she had to fight off the urge to run out of the house. “I… I should head back to my place. You two can eat.”
With that said, Caroline turned and headed for the bedroom door.
Later that night, Lucas found himself again at Caroline’s door.
Before he knocked on it, the door swung open.
Caroline hadn’t been asleep.
She probably hadn’t even been in bed.
She was wearing the same clothes she’d had on from that morning.
The look in her eyes wasn’t as easy to figure out.
Maybe she looked as confused as he felt.
“Lucas? What… What are you doing here?”
He wanted to tell her that he had no idea why he was there.