Page 355 of Not Over You
“I’m your fucking ass, baby.” He blew her a kiss.
She flipped him the bird.
Burying her head in the book they were studying, she scribbled notes on a play that, no matter how much Snake went on and on about, she’d never understand. It made little sense, and she couldn’t care less about Shylock, Portia, Bassanio… any of them.
If they had to study an old English dude who was long gone, couldn’t whoever had chosen this year’s curriculum have picked Romeo and Juliet instead? At least that was a storyline she could get on board with. Star-crossed lovers being kept apart by warring families. Not that her and Zane’s families were at war. Both sets of parents were in support of their relationship. Her mother had even taken her to their family doctor to arrange birth control as soon as she figured out the speed at which Zane and Lori’s relationship was moving in an inevitable direction.
They were luckier than most. A lot of their friends snuck around, trying to hide the fact that the innocence their parents tried so hard to protect had long gone while the poor mom and dad remained completely in the dark.
The bell sounded, and the class scrambled to their feet and made a sprint to the door. Last class before prom, time was of the essence. For the girls, at least. Bodies must be washed and shaved, hair curled or flat ironed, makeup carefully applied, dresses donned. And here she was, waiting for Snake’s doomsday hammer to fall.
“Chin up.” Zane pinched her ass as she rose from her chair. “What’s the worst he can do?”
“Give us detention.” She threw her hands out to the side. “Make us miss the prom.”
“Nah, he won’t do that.”
“He better hadn’t or you’re dead.”
He fake shuddered. “Fuck, you make me hard when you’re all bossy.”
“I swear, Zane—”
“Miss James, Mr. Quinlan, stop dawdling and get over here.”
Zane gestured for her to go first, whispering, “I’m not being gentlemanly. I just want to watch your ass wiggle.”
She suppressed a grin, knowing if she let it form and Snake saw it, it would be her head on the chopping block. Zane was irrepressible. It had been the very first thing she’d noticed about him during her first year of junior high. Life was one big joke to him. Nothing seemed to faze him or bring him down from his permanent high. He was always happy, always smiling, paid little attention in class yet aced every exam. It wouldn’t surprise Lori if he was a genius. Maybe she should encourage him to take a test and find out.
He was also pure gold between the sheets.
Her first, her last. She didn’t need anyone other than Zane. Lots of her friends were experimenting, but for Lori, she already had steak. She didn’t need to eat chuck to know the worth of her relationship with the man standing beside her, trying his best to school his features into a somewhat serious expression. He failed. Miserably.
“Would either of you mind telling me what this is?”
Snake windmilled the piece of paper around in the air. Lori looked at Zane to lead.
Big mistake.
“It’s a promise, sir,” Zane said.
Snake narrowed his eyes. “A promise?”
“Yeah.” Zane flashed a grin.
Ah, fuck.
“Like it says there, sir, it’s a promise of orgasms. Multiple. Lori’s prom gift. Better than a corsage.”
Kill me. Right this second. She stared at the floor, willing a sinkhole to open up and save her from this living nightmare.
Snake’s eyes bulged out of his head, and his face turned puce. “Do you think this is funny, Mr. Quinlan?”
“No, sir.” Zane shook his head, his chin dipped to his chest in a show of deference. “Nothing funny about orgasms.”
“Enough!” Snake launched from his chair, planting both palms flat on his desk. “You’re in detention. A week. Starting tonight.”