Page 362 of Not Over You
After showering together, they ordered room service and dragged the small table and two chairs over to the window to take in the view while they feasted on pancakes and bacon and French toast. She was glad they’d independently concluded that NYU was the best college for them. New York was their home, and there was plenty of time to explore the world once they’d achieved their degrees. Although, given Zane’s steadfast determination to start his own company as soon as possible, traveling might need to be put on the back burner for a while. Still, they could always use vacation time to go exploring.
They left it until the last minute to check out, reluctant to step back into the real world. Eleven hours of idyllic alone time had ended far too soon, and as the valet brought Zane’s car to the front of the hotel, melancholy swept through her. He must have sensed her despondency, because he tucked her into his side and pressed his lips to her temple.
“Just the first of many amazing nights, baby. I promise.”
She shook off the gloomy mood and blasted him with a bright smile. “I know. Maybe next time, I can surprise you.”
“I’d like that.” He grimaced. “Although if I can make a suggestion, drop the rose petals. I swear it’s going to take me days to scrub the red stain off my backside.”
She laughed. “Or go with all white, so they blend into your pale ass.”
“My ass might be pale, sweet cheeks, but the rest of me is pure gold.”
“Never lacking in confidence, huh, Zane?” His supreme self-assuredness was one of many things she adored about him. He wasn’t arrogant about it, like some guys could be. He just believed in himself, and Lori found that a hell of a turn-on.
He waved the valet aside and opened her door, gesturing for her to climb in. He even handed the seat belt to her, then closed the door and strode around the front of the car, his eyes on hers the whole time, as if he couldn’t bear to look away. He palmed a note to the valet, then got in the driver’s side.
“Ready to rejoin the real world?”
“Not even a little bit.”
He picked up her hand. “Me neither.”
During the entire drive back to her parents’ place, Zane refused to release her, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles, his eyes occasionally shifting to hers, his lips lifting as if he knew a secret no one else did. God, she loved him. Lots of her friends thought she was mad, and some had even whispered behind her back that it would never last. She didn’t consider those kinds of people genuine friends. Her heart knew what it wanted, and it had chosen Zane to be her one and only a long time ago.
And she wouldn’t change it for the world.
Zane carried her bag to the front door, but before she inserted her key in the lock, her parents flung it open.
“You’re back? How did it go? Did you have a great time? When will the school release the pictures?”
“Jeez, Mom. Give us a minute.”
Zane leaned in to kiss her mom on the cheek and shake Dad’s hand. “We had the best time. Lori stole the show. No surprise there.”
“And the hotel? How was it?”
Zane went to answer. Lori cut him off. “I know we’re close, Mom, but some things are private.”
“Oh, of course.” She zigzagged the cross on a chain she wore around her neck, something she always did when flustered. “I didn’t mean…” She gestured with a flick of her wrist. “It doesn’t matter. Jim, take her bag. Zane, you’ll stay for lunch, won’t you?”
“I’d love to, but I’m sure my parents want to hear about last night as much as you do. Another time?”
“You’re always welcome here.”
Zane looked at Lori, and she back at him, and then she glared at her mom and dad who were still standing there, rubbernecking.
“Er, Mom. Go away, yeah? I’d like to say goodbye to my boyfriend in private.”
Dad picked up Lori’s bag, gripped Mom by the elbow, and steered her away. “Come on, Maisie. Give the kids some space.”
Lori waited until her parents closed the door to the living room, then slipped her arms around Zane’s neck. “Thank you for the most amazing night. I’ll never forget it.”
“I want to give you the world, Lori. Not just one night, but every night.” He pecked her lips. “Can I tell you something?”