Page 364 of Not Over You
“According to Dad, there are colleges in India.” She shrugged.
Zane shook his head. “No. He can’t do this. You don’t have to go. You’re eighteen. You don’t have to go with them.”
“He said he won’t fund my college education here. I have no choice, Zane.”
“Then I’ll pay for it.”
Fuck only knew how, but he’d figure it out somehow. She couldn’t go. He wouldn’t let her. Fuck Jim. Fuck Maisie. It was him and Lori against the world. He’d find a way. He had to.
“I’ll work three fucking jobs. I’ll ask Mom and Dad to help. You can’t go. You just can’t.”
Fresh tears fell, silently tracking down her cheeks. “I have to.” She pressed both hands to his cheeks. “A year. We can do a year, can’t we, Zane? We’re strong enough?”
“Fuck, yes, we’re more than strong enough. That’s not what concerns me. But spending freshman year without you… all our plans, our apartment. I can’t make the rent on my own.”
The admission speared him through the heart, and the reality of their situation bit him hard. If he couldn’t afford rent by himself, then there was no way he could afford to pay Lori’s tuition and living expenses, too. She needed her parents’ financial support, and if Jim wasn’t willing to do that, then they were screwed.
“I’ll talk to him. I’ll make him see sense.”
She shook her head and sniffed. “I’ve tried, Zane. Both he and Mom are firm on this. To them, a year is nothing. Something that will go by in a flash. They think it’s an enormous opportunity for me to experience a culture very different from my own. And if I didn’t have you, I’d probably agree. It is a great opportunity. But, oh god.” She bit down on her lip to stem the onset of more tears. “I’m going to miss you so much. I don’t know how I’m going to manage. Not without you.”
Clipping her under the chin to lift her head, he forced a smile he didn’t feel. “I’ll call. Every day. And text. We can FaceTime. And your dad is right. It is only a year. And just think of the reunion fuck. You won’t be able to walk for a week.”
He laughed, although it sounded weird to his own ears, and Lori’s wry smile meant she’d heard it, too.
“When do you leave?” He winced, rubbing the ache powering through his chest.
“A few weeks. We have to wait for our visas. Dad’s company is arranging everything.”
“Then we’ll just have to make the most of the time we have left.” He drew her to him, kissing the salt from her lips. “We’ll make a list of things we want to do, and we’ll tick off each one.”
She nodded, but her heart wasn’t in it. Fuck, neither was his, but if she had to leave, then he’d make sure it was with a head full of memories that both of them could call upon to get them through the next twelve months.
“Want to stay the night? Mom won’t mind.”
She shook her head. “I should get back. I kind of threw a tantrum and stormed out.”
Zane’s lips twitched. “Gave ’em hell, huh?”
A genuine smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “You have no idea.”
“Oh, I have a pretty good idea. I’ve seen you in action once or twice.”
She palmed his shoulder. “Hey. I’m falling to pieces over here. You’re supposed to be comforting me.”
He held out his arms, and she folded herself inside. They hugged in silence, and then Lori sighed and pulled away.
“I have to go.”
“Come on.” Zane stood. “I’ll walk you home.”
He grabbed a jacket and stuffed his feet into his sneakers. Thirty minutes later, they arrived at her parents’ place. A crooked smile twisted his lips. “I won’t come in. I might punch your dad.”
She giggled, and the sound warmed his heart. He loathed the idea of Lori being unhappy. She was warm sunshine and the smell of rain in the spring. She was love and laughter and everything in between.
She was the other half of his fucking soul.
The idea of being torn apart killed him. But for Lori, he pasted on a brave face, one he’d make sure stayed in place until she walked through the departure lounge and into a new life in a strange and foreign land.