Page 367 of Not Over You
Brie was nothing like Laurella. He doubted she’d notice. “Don’t be a dick. She seems vaguely familiar, and I was wondering if she was someone Necron has done business with.” Zane frowned. “She look familiar to you?”
Calum twisted his lips to one side. “No. Although I can only see the back of her head.”
“I thought it might be…”
He broke off, rubbing at his sternum as Laurella and Brienne returned from the bathroom. They ordered their food, but Zane couldn’t stop his gaze from wandering to the woman and her male companion. If she’d just peer over her shoulder… but she didn’t.
Brie dug him in the ribs. “Are you listening?”
She half laughed. “I’ve been talking to you for the last twenty seconds. What is with you tonight? You’re here but not here.”
He gestured dismissively. “It’s nothing.”
“Which means it’s work.”
“You know me. Always thinking about Necron.” He flashed an apologetic smile to hide his lie and tried to pay attention to the conversation swirling around him. The next time he glanced over, the couple had left.
Goddammit. He should’ve wandered past her table. At least then he could have put this ridiculous notion that Lori had been in this very restaurant a mere few feet away from him. And even if it had been her, what difference would it make? She’d moved on, and so had he. Thirteen years was a long fucking time, and he was happy.
Whatever being happy meant.
He spied the staff gathering, and he groaned as one of them put a birthday cake on the table loaded with candles. They broke into the obligatory “Happy Birthday” song, and he forced a smile and played along as the entire restaurant came to a halt to watch his humiliation. He blew out the candles and waited for the ripples of applause to fade.
“Who’s idea was that?”
Brie beamed, oblivious to his mortification and annoyance. He hated that kind of thing, and he’d bet his bank balance that the staff hated having to do it, too. His mood took a nosedive.
“Fun, right?”
He smiled a little. ”Sure.”
“Okay, who’s for some of this delicious cake?”
Brie proceeded to carve up the cake into four enormous slices, but Zane’s enthusiasm for the evening had deserted him. He pushed the unfinished cake away, then gestured to a nearby server.
“Check, please.”
Brie fired him a frown. “We haven’t eaten your cake.”
“Get them to box it.”
He sighed. “I’m tired, Brie. I’d like to go home.”
Calum arched a brow but said nothing, handing his credit card over to the server. Only when they were outside waiting for a cab home, and with Laurella and Brie a short distance away, did his friend voice his concerns.
“You okay, bud?”
Zane clapped him on the back. “I’m good. Just… tired, I guess. Thanks for dinner. I appreciate it.” Zane jerked his chin as the valet arrived with his car. “You guys want a ride home?”
“No. Thanks, but I’m taking this gorgeous woman dancing.” Calum captured Laurella around the waist and bent her backward, cutting off her yelp of surprise with a kiss.