Page 37 of Not Over You
He isn’t wrong about the quarterback; I’ve added everything you can possibly add to this guy’s jersey. But he is wrong about the part of me not caring. I care a whole fucking lot.
“So, yeah, I guess he’s okay,” she says. “He is really nice.”
This is getting really uncomfortable. I can tell she’s not wanting to talk about it, and of course, I don’t really want to hear it.
I push to my feet. “Hey, it’s chill. You can play with your brother. I completely forgot that I told my dad I’d pick something up for him.”
I hand her the remote and check to make sure I have my wallet. “I’ll catch you guys later.” I make eye contact with Nina, but it’s brief. I don’t really know how I feel at this point, and I definitely don’t want to stick around to hear her gush about Sam.
Grabbing my keys off the counter as Nina sits beside Grady, I walk to the door and leave the apartment without another word.
After we play a few games of Madden, Grady asks me how things are going.
“Good,” I answer. “Everything is good. What about you? How about that girl you were seeing? Am I going to get to meet her?”
“Oh no,” he replies but never looks at me. “That’s over. She wanted to leave some of her things at my apartment.”
“What? That’s grounds for dismissal in Grady world?”
“Yes, it’s assuming too much. You should never assume I want you to move your shit into my apartment.”
“Tough man,” I say.
We finish the game, and Grady gets up from the floor, stretching out his arms and back. “All right, I gotta go. This has been fun and a little awkward.” He winks at me and heads out.
“Bye, loser,” I call after him just as the door closes. So, he could tell there was tension between us. Great!
Now I’m alone in the apartment with just my thoughts, and that isn’t something I really want right now. I go into the kitchen and grab my cookie dough. I just take a small bite and put it back in the fridge. I need to go on a diet anyway, baby steps.
Sam and I had an okay breakfast, but it felt a little forced. I really didn’t want to go, but I didn’t want to seem like a huge bitch by blowing him off. Now the guy I’ve talked to effortlessly at work about everything seems like someone I’ve just met. I know a lot of it is because of Travis. I couldn’t get him out of my mind, and the more I tried, the harder it was. I will say that while Travis has been on my mind since we had sex, I do feel a bit guilty for jumping to the wrong conclusion about Sam.
When I asked why he didn’t call, he explained his friend took his phone because he was on a high dose of pain pills when he left the hospital. Then he’d slept for two days, and here he was. It made sense. It made me feel like shit because instead of waiting for more than a couple days, I’d already jumped in bed with someone else. It made me feel especially terrible when he kept apologizing and telling me how sorry he was. My mind plays back the conversation we shared over breakfast.
“I went anyway,” I blurt out, “with Travis.”
I think I see Sam’s face fall for a minute, but he recovers quickly. “You went with your roommate?” I can’t even imagine what he is thinking. After the way Travis has talked to him?
“Yeah,” I smile, “I got a giant turkey leg too.”
“Damn,” Sam mumbles under his breath. “That sucks ’cause I wanted to buy you that turkey leg, but I get it. I wasn’t there, so he swooped in. It’s not a big deal. I’ll make it up to you.”
He grins and acts adorable as I push my eggs around my plate. My eyes dart to his cast. “Are you going to be able to work with that thing?”
“I’ll find a way. That’s the go-getter attitude I have, you know? What’s a little broken arm?” He grins, and the guilt heightens.
Going into my room, I close the door and lie face down on my bed. The scent of Travis’s cologne is still lingering on my pillows. Rolling onto my side, I face the spot he had been lying in all night. I close my eyes, remembering the way his hands felt on my skin, how hot I burned for him. Our naked bodies moving together, becoming one. Heat rises and bubbles in my belly, remembering everything in acute detail. I can still hear our panting as he moved in and out of me. The sounds of our sex… I can feel his flesh gliding against mine. The heat of his breath on my neck, and the burn of his lips against my skin as he kissed all over me.
A knock on the door startles me, causing me to sit up with a start. When I look up, I find Travis staring at me. He’s leaning against the doorframe, looking sexier than any man has a right to. His arms are crossed over his chest, driving my attention to his well-defined biceps and broad shoulders. I try to read the emotions on his face, but it’s carefully blank.
“Hey, just letting you know I’m home,” he says.
“Welcome home,” I flash him an awkward grin. I have no idea where he’s been, but I know damn well it wasn’t with his father.
He clears his throat. “So, how was your breakfast date with Seth?” He looks down at the floor.
“His name is Sam, Travis.” I roll my eyes. “It went fine, I guess. But it probably won’t happen again,” I say, wondering why I said that. I can’t get this man in front of me out of my system. He’s a habit I want to break, but can’t seem to, much like my junk food eating.