Page 398 of Not Over You
“Which is why he’s a billionaire.”
Zane coasted to a stop in front of the restaurant where they were meeting Calum and Laurella. The valet came forward and opened the passenger door. Lori stepped onto the sidewalk, and Zane joined her, handing the car keys to the valet.
They entered the restaurant hand in hand. Her fingers tightened around his to stop the tremble running through her. Meeting Zane’s best friend and his girlfriend was a big deal, and ever since Zane had informed her they were having dinner together tonight, she’d had this knot in her stomach that wouldn’t quit.
“You’re nervous,” Zane commented rather than questioned.
“He’s your best friend, an important part of your business, and he was there to witness the fallout from what I did to you. Yeah, I’m nervous about meeting him. If he doesn’t like me, it’s going to make things awkward.”
“Relax.” He released her hand and slipped his arm around her waist instead, his thumb brushing her hip. “He’s blunt, but his girlfriend has softened the hard edges. You’re more than capable of holding your own. Just don’t take any shit. And Laurella is excited to meet you. If Calum steps over the line, she’ll twist his balls until he passes out, and all will be fine.”
Lori giggled. “You’re talking metaphorically, yes?”
“Depends on her mood. She’s fiery. Remind me one day to tell you of their heated exchanges when they were both fighting their attraction to the other. My board members used to call our board meetings ‘The Calum and Laurella Show.’ They weren’t wrong. He was vile to her, and she responded in kind.”
“Now I really am excited to meet her.”
“Good, because they’re already here.”
Zane let the greeter know he’d spotted their party, then headed over. Calum rose as they approached, a genial smile stretching his lips wide.
“You’re late,” he announced. “And given that this must be Lori, I’m not at all surprised.”
“Unbridled charm offensive on show, I see.” Zane shook Calum’s hand and leaned down to peck Laurella on the cheek. “You look as gorgeous as ever, Laurella.” He tucked Lori into his side. “This is my Lori.”
Her heart expanded at his old moniker. He hadn’t called her his Lori since they’d reunited, and it had the same effect on her now as it had back in high school. He made her feel like the center of his universe, critical to his happiness and well-being.
“I’m so happy to meet you.” Laurella nudged Calum out of the way and kissed Lori on both cheeks. “Here, come sit beside me. I want to hear all about what Zane was like in school.”
“I was a model student, isn’t that right, Lori?”
“Oh sure.” Lori grinned. “If regular detention slots denote ‘model,’ then yeah, you were a model student.”
“In my defense, you were the catalyst for a lot of those detentions.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that.”
Calum ordered the wine, and the table fell silent for a few moments while they perused the menu.
“I think I’ll have the steak.” Lori lifted her eyes to Zane’s. “It’s the safer choice.”
“Sounds like a story.” Calum gestured to the server to leave the wine in the ice bucket. “Spill.”
“Put it this way,” Zane said. “Have you ever been cockblocked by a chicken?”
Lori burst out laughing, and Zane joined in, the two of them content in their own private bubble, while Calum and Laurella fired confused glances at each other. Lori took pity on them.
“A few weeks ago, Zane and I were lucky to get tickets to The Vortex, courtesy of Dayton Somers.”
“Yeah, I remember him bragging about that.” Calum nudged Zane in a good-natured fashion.
“Jackass,” Zane returned. “Ignore him. Go on.”
“I had the chicken in a cream sauce. It was delicious, but when we got back to my apartment, I didn’t feel at all well, and, um, let’s just say that our plans were thwarted somewhat.”
“Oh dear.” Calum laughed. “That’s… unfortunate.”
“Hence, steak.”