Page 405 of Not Over You
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” He smiled. “I’m optimistic the change to her medication will be enough.”
“Maisie, Jim, would you mind if I saw her? I won’t stay long. I just need… I need…”
“Go,” Maisie urged. “Put your mind at rest. Tell her we’ll come see her when you’re done.”
“Try not to tire her out,” the doctor warned. “I’ll start her on the increased dosage right away and then monitor her over the next couple of days. If her symptoms disappear, she can go home. Come on, I’ll take you to her.”
Zane followed the doctor to a private room where Lori lay propped up against a stack of pillows. Color had returned to her cheeks, and she was no longer covered in a sheen of sweat. See-through plastic wires delivered oxygen up her nose, the tubes tucked behind her ears. But apart from that one visible medical intervention, she was back to being just Lori.
“Hey, you.” She beckoned him over, her lips pinched tight. “So sorry I scared you.”
“You did that, all right. I won’t lie.” He dragged a chair over from the corner and sat, then picked up her hand. “My performance wasn’t my finest hour. I panicked a bit. And I might have almost broken the receptionist’s neck when she didn’t act fast enough.”
“I heard that part.” Lori broke out a chuckle. “I’m sure she deals with far worse than you.”
“Maybe.” He ran a hand over his scruffy chin. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let you do so much.”
“Let me?” Lori’s eyebrows shot up. “You didn’t let me do anything. I’m a grown woman, Zane. I make my own decisions. And if all you’re going to do is waltz in here, towing a roll of bubble wrap behind you, then leave. I will not live my life existing in some kind of padded cell in case my heart gives out. For someone like me, it’s even more crucial that I make the most of every day. Who knows how many I’ve got left?”
“Don’t say that.” His voice broke.
She winced where he’d squeezed her hand in a vise grip. He slackened off. She pulled away completely, folding her arms and looking to the window.
“I can’t bear to even think of it.”
She kept her eyes averted. “Well, one day, we’re going to have to. No point hiding from the truth.” Her statement was so blunt. Cold. Matter-of-fact. Her chest heaved in a pronounced huff.
He thought back to Maisie’s warning and cursed himself. She’d cautioned him on what not to do, and what had he done? The exact thing she’d advised against.
“Okay, fine, just call me an arrogant and idiotic ass to my face and get it over with.”
The corners of her lips twitched, and she turned to face him. “You’re an arrogant, idiotic ass.”
He lifted his palms in surrender mode. “Guilty as charged. Amazing how one word can get a man into a whole heap of trouble.”
“Sometimes not even that many. Just breathing can do it under the right circumstances.”
He smiled out of one side of his mouth. “Tell me what to do, Lori. I’m out of my depth here.”
“Just be you. Be the same as you’ve been ever since I told you about my transplant. Not once have you tried to limit me, or stop me from working hard, or playing hard, or screwing hard.” She smiled the kind of smile that made him think she might have forgiven him. “Don’t let today change that.”
“Screwing hard, huh?”
“Oh yeah. Very… very… hard.”
He bent his head, eyeing his groin. “Down boy. We might have to wait until she’s at least out of the hospital.”
Lori laughed. “God, I love you.”
“Even though I’m an arrogant, idiotic ass?”
She reached out and grabbed a fistful of his shirt, tugging him toward her. She kissed him firmly on the mouth, and he groaned.
“Yep. Even then.”
Day four of “Let’s torture Lori” arrived, bringing with it the threat of snow and the damned fake Santa Claus who passed by her room at least three times a day ringing his stupid bell.