Page 45 of Not Over You
“I’m glad. I was really worried that I was going to hurt you.”
“I had a feeling you were into your roommate.” Sam’s comment catches me off guard, and I don’t respond. I don’t need to explain to him what Travis is to me.
After we talk for a short while longer, we hug, and Sam leaves. I feel a huge sense of relief. Now I need to figure out some grand gesture to show Travis how much I care about him, and us.
I have to figure out how to show Nina I’m serious about her, but I need some time to think about it. After the fight, and the way I acted, plus all our back and forth, it’s going to take something special. Something epic. I’ve had to watch enough romantic movies with girls to know some big romantic gesture is what it takes to prove your love.
Unfortunately, I’m not a big romantic gesture type, so this might be a bit difficult for me.
I’m trying to decide where to go because until I figure out what to do for Nina, I don’t want to face her. My phone rings and I grab it, hoping it’s her.
“Baby, can you come and get me?” Sydney is on the phone, and she sounds very slurry. “I can’t drive out of here. I’m at some sort of bar or maybe a restaurant.”
I know this tone of voice. She’s scared, and the chances of her doing something dumb are high.
“Sydney, don’t move and just tell me where you are. What’s the name?”
“Something with a bee, I think, babe. Bee bees,” she slurs.
“Is there a waitress near you?” I hear what sounds like her stumbling up to someone.
“Hey, you. Come tell my man where to come get me,” she says.
“Gladly,” the lady says as she gets on the phone. I assume they aren’t too pleased to have her there with them. “Sir, you can pick her up at Applebees. Some guy dropped her off, and she was already falling over.”
“Applebees, really?” I laugh. “Okay, I’ll be there soon.”
As I hang up the phone, I hear her yell, “boobies,” and realize that I had better hurry up. When I pull up in front of the restaurant, Sydney has cornered a couple and is telling them something with lots of hand gestures.
I jump out and go over to save them.
“Sydney, come on, let’s go.”
“Babe, these nice people were going to take me to their house to show me their aquarium,” she says, throwing her arms around me. I look over to see the couple are a bit older. They’re both rocking leather, and the lady has a sleeve of colorful tattoos. I get the feeling that they were really going to take her with them.
“Maybe not when you’ve been drinking,” I whisper into her ear before turning to the couple. “She will break everything in your house with the state she’s in.”
“That’s okay,” the woman says and gives me a smile, “you can come over too.”
“Thanks, but I’m going to get her home,” I tell the couple as I guide her toward the car and help her in.
“I’ll come see your aquarium next time,” she yells out the window, and I drive away before they can follow us.
“I thought you left town?” I tell her as I drive back the way I came, “where are you staying?”
“I got a hotel room. I figured maybe you’d want to see me after our fight. Then, you didn’t call, and I went to drink. Met a guy, and he wanted to take me to a nice dinner,” she scoffs, “Applebees is really nice. Eating good in the neighborhood.”
“So, then what, he ditched you?”
“I started acting crazy. You know me.” She smirks and looks out the window. “I can’t keep my shit together for too long. That couple was really nice to me though.”
“They wanted you to do a threesome, Sydney. Sometimes for a smart girl, you can be very clueless.”
“Really,” she says, “I didn’t pick up on that at all. I guess I should have when the guy asked if I thought it was cool they had mirrors on their bedroom ceiling.”
I give her an incredulous look, “Where is your hotel?”