Page 495 of Not Over You
“A wild name for my wild doe, it’s perfect.”
The excuses I built up for not wanting to give this a try, crumble. In the end, no matter if we crash and burn or light up the night sky like a supernova, it’ll be one hell of a story—and if all else fails, we’ll always have Mexico.
Thank you for taking the time to read Holiday Tequila, I hope you enjoyed Rumor and Dante’s story!!
* * *
Up next in the Locked In Series is the one and only, Lucy Finnegan. Preorder Holiday Dessert now to find out if this over cautious mother hen will lose her inhibitions and surrender herself to the sexy baker for a night of tantalizing steam, delicious praise, and scorching FIRE.
Indie Black is a newer author, taking a plunge into the book world. She's a California native who prefers tacos over sushi, the beach over the mountains, and books over anything else. She's a certified water snob, dog lover and will try just about anything that tastes like bubblegum.
Willow buys into a poker game she knows she probably can't win, but she's got nothing left to lose—or so she thinks.
Now, the cards are on the table.
She's in debt to the hosts who happen to be her old best friends from high school who are living with some deep, dark secrets of their own.
Giving Willow the chance to redeem herself and explore some unresolved feelings from both sides, the men make her an offer she can't refuse.
Well, she can...but will she?
Poker Face by Luna Kayne
Copyright © 2018 by Luna Kayne
All rights reserved.
This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, recorded or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author/publisher. The content in this story may not be used to create any new formats whatsoever.
This is a work of fiction. Do not use this book or any of the content found within as reference material. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.
Second Printing, 2022
Luna Kayne
“Sir, we have a problem.” Ginger’s voice is hushed as she leans into me so the others sitting around the table don’t hear her.
Keeping my eyes on our guests, I nod once, prompting her to continue.
She adjusts her feet, shifting her weight in her stance, and leans further into my space. A couple of the gentlemen look up from the cards in their hands as her tits grab their attention but I don’t care. I hired Ginger because of her ability to distract our clients into spending more money at our club, and she is one of my best employees.
One by one, eventually all sets of eyes are on her with the exception of the beautiful brown eyes seated directly across from me.
Those eyes are attached to Willow Martens, someone I never thought I’d ever see in here, asking to buy into our little card game that, up until an hour ago, I thought was a secret.
“One of the properties put up as collateral doesn’t check out.” Ginger braces one hand on the table as she whispers close to my ear.
“Whose?” I don’t know why I’m asking the question. I’m pretty sure I know the answer.
All of the men seated around the table at our poker game know what is on the line if they come in here without the cash to back up their stake.