Page 501 of Not Over You
I knew I could never have her, but keeping her close by was better than not having her at all.
And now this.
She tried to deceive us.
The Willow I knew would never think to put herself before the ones she cared about. That is what I craved about her.
She would go out of her way to put everyone around her first. In high school, she offered us her sandwich at lunch time even though we both knew she was hungry.
Willow was always so willing to accommodate and please, and her giving nature called to my dark side like a siren’s song.
Why she didn’t just come to us to ask for help is irrelevant.
My weeping Willow tried to deceive both of us and it hurts me much more than I’d like to admit it does.
I’ve never shared the depth of my desire for Willow. I’ve never told Alex that I think of her as my weeping Willow but I’ve always wanted her to cry for me. Not in pain but in pure ecstasy. I’ve wanted to watch her tears flow over her flushed cheeks just for me.
I wanted to turn her kind nature into something so dark and entirely mine. Something I could consume over and over again. I wanted her to surrender to all of the dirty things I would show her, but she was too pure for my needs. I always believed she deserved more than the lewd things I wanted to do to her.
She’s too good for the world we live in.
Although we operate everything above board and completely legal, we walk a fine line and we have stepped over it in the past.
Willow was never meant to be a part of our world. Yet here she is, and she’s not oblivious to the consequences of her actions.
Willow is from this area. She knows what happens when people don’t honor their agreements around here. Debts are owed and collected. Scales need to be balanced and slates need to be cleared.
She’s no different than anyone else and the fact she did this to us shows me she is just like everyone else, and I will treat her as such.
I feel nauseous at the thought.
“I know it looks bad but something has to be terribly wrong for her to try to get away with this. Let’s just go and talk to her.” Alex looks nervous and he has every right to be.
He knows I don’t just want to talk to her. I want to teach her a couple of lessons she’ll never forget.
“I’m pretty sure we’ve moved past talking.” My cock rubs against the inside of my pants at the thought of how far beyond talking I want to push her.
Willow is in debt to us and, until she satisfies what is owed, we own her.
I finally own her.
It’s plain and simple. She belongs to us. The thought settles over me and adrenaline floods my veins at the claim.
“Did you see her? She looks helpless and terrified. This is our Willow.” Alex is trying to reason with the better man inside of me, but I’m not listening.
My morals and values are all on board with the idea that is slowly gaining momentum inside of my head.
Whatever her situation, Willow has fucked up and now she needs us to take ownership of her and guide her, and I can’t wait to take my place and begin. She’s gambled her company that holds no equity. So she’s out the money she bet as well as what is owed in debt against her business.
Worst of all of her sins, she tried to take advantage of us. After everything we’ve done for her. After we stepped aside and let her go. After we made sure she would be set for life.
After I sacrificed my dark needs for the bright future we both imagined for her.
It’s too much.
Alex can either get on board or step aside now.
There is nothing left for her to offer but herself, and this time I’m taking everything, with or without him.