Page 529 of Not Over You
“Where is he?”
She shifts her gaze from me to the door before answering.
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since yesterday.”
My frustration blows out of me with a deep sigh and I take a look around her place. This is definitely not the level of squalor I imagined Candi living in.
“Why did you do it? We got that collector off your back. And you did us like this. Why?”
The people we work with have always been more to us than employees and this betrayal cuts me deep.
Candi lowers her gaze to the floor.
“I—he told me he loved me. I didn’t know what he was doing until after I told Willow about the game, and then he”—she points to her face—”did this. I thought—I was so stupid.”
I sneer at her words.
Dale is the one to blame in all of this and Candi is the second woman tonight to tell me she feels stupid because of him.
“How long have you been with him?”
Candi rubs her arms as if to comfort herself.
“A year. Maybe a little more.”
It takes an effort to keep the disappointment from showing on my face. Dale conned her just like he did with Willow. He no doubt inserted himself in her life, drained her bank accounts, and slowly gathered information on Willow and us. I can’t believe he’s been back here all of this time.
“Pack your things. I’ve got some guys downstairs who are going to get you out of here.”
Her eyes go wide.
“Like, what do you mean?” Candi backs up a step.
“I mean what I said. You can’t stay here.” I take a deep breath to curb my impatience.
“But—um—are we good?”
“No, Candi. We aren’t good. You’re standing here with a black eye. That tells me you know what that piece of shit is capable of and you set Willow up like that. You, me and Alex are going to have a long talk and you will make things right by us, but right now, it isn’t safe for you here. I’m not going to kill you, if that’s what you’re asking.”
The relieved expression on her face tells me that is exactly what she was asking.
“It’s just—I didn’t know how badly I messed up until it was too late, and I didn’t know how to get out of it. He kinda—I don’t know.” Candi shuffles, then turns and grabs a bag from the corner of the room before gathering a few items.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Dale groomed and conned Candi and he did the same thing to Willow.
This is a weak action by a weak man and Dale is a predator.
When we leave the apartment, Candi walks out without looking back. She doesn’t stop to lock the door, and it’s clear to me this was never her home.
I join Tray beside his vehicle and bring Candi into the conversation so she understands where she stands.
“Make sure she has a room and she stays there.”—I turn my focus to Candi.—“You stay put. They’ll get you what you need. You want to start making things right?”—She nods her head—“Then you lay low and wait for me.”
Tray nods, opening up the door to the backseat for Candi, and his guy gets into the driver’s side without a word.
I wait until the doors are shut so she can’t hear my next order.
“Put the word out. If anyone sees Dale, take him and get him ready for me.”