Page 612 of Not Over You
“I better get going,” she whispered. “It’s late.”
“And you don’t want to be late for work,” I said. “Even on your wedding day.”
Her eyes whipped to mine. “You know what today was about.”
“I do,” I said. “I’ll give you a ride.”
“No, Aren—”
I picked her up and carried her down the stairs, not giving her the chance to argue. I could tell she wanted to fight, but she didn’t because she didn’t want to look ridiculous kicking and screaming in her wedding dress. Unc was waiting at the curb, and when he saw me, he narrowed his eyes. When he made sense of what he was seeing, he shook his head and pulled off.
Her eyes narrowed on my hand after I’d set her down—I’d wrapped it around her arm. She wasn’t getting away from me that easily. She looked at the seat and then at the street. She could try and make a run for it, but there was no way she was getting home in time to get ready for her shift at The Cigar Bar.
My jaw tensed and my fingers flexed.
She noticed but said nothing. Giving in with a sigh, she held her dress up with one hand and took my offered one with the other. We were on the road and driving in a minute. I swerved in and out of lanes, cars blowing their horns at me as I drove like Unc.
“Lilo.” She looked out of her rearview when I cut off a car and the driver had to slam on his brakes. “Take me home—to Sonny’s. Lilo!”
I said nothing as I made it to our house in record time. She wanted to go home. She was.
The car screeched as I pulled into the lot, but I pulled into my spot smoothly. As soon as I put it in park, she jumped out, taking off for the street. In a few rushed strides, I hooked an arm around her waist and hauled her up.
“Put me down,” she said through clenched teeth. “Now.”
The gym was packed, and some members were leaving. A few of them did double-takes when they saw me carrying her toward our place. I held her tighter when I unlocked the door with one hand. Once inside, I set her down and kept my back to the door.
“You have to go through me to get outside,” I said.
She kicked off her heels. Then, in a rush, she turned and darted toward the back of the place. I snatched her up before she even made it to the door. Her feet swept up off the floor and I turned her around, going for the dining room.
“Put me down!”
“Whatever you want.”
I set her on the chair, then caged her in, one arm on each side of her. I leaned down close. Her cool breath washed across my lips.
“Get out of my face, Lilo!”
“Make me.”
“If you think I’m staying here with you, you must be out of your fucking mind!”
“Never denied it.”
“I’m not staying here!” Her voice was steadily rising, and her eyes were as fiery as cinnamon. “Let me go!”
“Have I ever?”
“This is different. You can’t keep me here!”
“You want to leave?”
She became quiet, but her chest heaved.