Page 655 of Not Over You
“Ask Dad,” I replied, voice cracking. The argument with my dad gave me painful déjà vu about our strained relationship. I hoped that things would be different after ten years, but I’d been wrong.
I ignored my mom’s calls as I exited the house. As I got in my car, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to calm down. It was his loss; he was missing out on his only daughter’s life and wouldn’t get a chance to be in his granddaughter’s life.
I should’ve known better than to think he would’ve changed. Even though he’d hurt me so much in the past, he was still my father. I wanted to make things right between us, but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen anytime soon, if ever.
Opening my eyes, I wiped my face. I’d made it through life without him that far. There was no reason I couldn’t continue to do the same.
As I worked throughout the week, my thoughts kept returning to Lincoln and memories of us. I couldn’t seem to keep my mind off him, and it was distracting, to say the least.
You didn’t come here to rekindle things with Lincoln. Focus on your daughter and your assignment.
No matter how much I told myself not to dwell on my feelings for Lincoln, I couldn’t ignore the longing in my heart or the way he still made my stomach fill with butterflies with just a look.
My phone buzzed with a text.
Well, speak of the devil.
* * *
Lincoln: Hey I wanted to see if you’d like to get breakfast Saturday morning before we head out to see Piper.
* * *
We’d texted a few times throughout the week, but we hadn’t discussed Piper since the day I’d arrived back in town. Meeting beforehand would probably be a good idea just to make sure we were on the same page with what we planned to tell our daughter about us.
* * *
Me: Sounds good :)
Lincoln: Pick you up at 8?
* * *
I frowned. Lincoln had always been an early bird, but I was definitely not.
* * *
Me: How about 9?
Lincoln: Still a late riser I see ;)
* * *
I couldn’t help but chuckle.
* * *
Me: 9 is not late lol
Lincoln: Whatever you say, sleeping beauty
* * *
I shook my head with a smile. I’d forgotten what a jokester Lincoln was after all the years we’d been apart.
I decided to go to my hotel room and finish some work. The assignment was turning out to be more intricate than we’d expected, which was a good thing for our lab, but it meant more work for me and my team.
After a few hours, I ended my research for the night. Needing to unwind, I decided to check out a bar near my hotel and have a drink.