Page 685 of Not Over You
I pulled her against me, pressing our bodies together. “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m not going to be able to take it slow.”
She placed her hands on my chest, looking up at me with desire as she bit down on her bottom lip.
“Fuck,” I cursed under my breath before crushing her lips with mine.
Pushing her up against the door, I parted her lips with my tongue. She moaned in my mouth as her arms came around my neck.
After a few heated moments, I broke the kiss, Liv’s request from earlier playing in my head. I placed my hands on either side of her head, caging her against the door. “You need to decide whether you want me to take you in that room or not. I won’t be able to control myself much longer and then there won’t be a decision to make.”
Her breathing was heavy, lips swollen as she stared at me with indecision. I could tell she wanted me—it was written all over her face and evident in her body language. And I knew that pussy was already wet for me, ready for me to fill it with my cock. “We shouldn’t.” She darted her eyes away. “I want to, but I think we should wait.”
I didn’t understand why when we’d already crossed that line the night before, but I was a gentleman, and I’d never go against Liv’s wishes. I took a deep breath to calm myself. “Okay. If you want to wait, we’ll wait.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
I kissed her on the cheek, then stepped back, putting some distance between us. “Good night, beautiful.”
“Good night.”
I waited until she entered her room, then headed toward the elevator. My dick was still hard from that kiss, and I knew jacking off would be in my near future unless I wanted a bad case of blue balls.
I exited the elevator into the lobby, heading for the door. My mind was racing with thoughts, still trying to process everything that had been happening the past few days. I still couldn’t believe some of it.
The night was still early, and I hoped I could catch my parents before they went to sleep to talk about Saturday.
Luckily, when I got home, both my parents were still up. My dad was sitting in the living room reading the paper, and my mom was knitting beside him.
“Mom, Dad, I have some good news,” I announced, entering the living room. Their gazes followed me as I sat on the couch across from them and smiled. “Piper wants to come to visit Saturday.”
My dad put down the paper, and my mom stopped knitting. They both stared at me in surprise for a few seconds. “What?” my dad questioned.
“Mrs. Andrews asked if they could come over this Saturday to see Buttercup. I’d mentioned her last weekend, and Piper loves horses, so they called to see if it would be okay to visit.”
My mom smiled widely. “That’s great, sweetheart! Will we be able to meet her?”
I shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”
My parents looked at each other with excitement. Something unspoken passed between them before they redirected their attention to me.
“You better make sure it’s okay with her parents that we’re there,” my dad said. “We wouldn’t want to upset them when things are just starting out.”
“Your father’s right. You don’t want to assume,” my mom agreed.
I shook my head with a chuckle. “I’ll ask, but I don’t think it would be an issue. They are really laid-back people.”
My mom patted my knee. “Regardless, I’m excited for you, sweetheart. I never thought you’d see her again.”
“Me either. This all feels like a dream.”
“I can imagine,” my father said.
“There’s something else I need to talk to you about.” I knew what I was about to say wouldn’t be as accepted as what I’d just told them. “I know both of you don’t agree with my decision to rekindle things with Liv, and it’s something we need to address.”
Both of my parents frowned, and my mom opened her mouth to speak, but I held up my hand to stop her. “Please let me finish.”
My mom remained silent, crossing her arms over her chest with a huff. I knew she was biting her tongue and that I’d probably get an earful later, but I had to say what was on my mind.
I let out a breath before continuing. “What Liv did hurt all of us. She didn’t handle things in the best way, but she knows she was wrong. We were both young and stupid, but almost ten years have passed since she left. She’s apologized to me several times, and I’ve forgiven her. And if I can forgive her, so can you.”