Page 712 of Not Over You
After Lincoln bought our tickets and wristbands, we entered the carnival.
“What do you want to do first?” Lincoln asked Piper.
“The Hang Glider.”
Lincoln grinned. “Hang Glider it is.”
The carnival was packed with people, which made me wonder if we’d run into anyone we knew as we squeezed through the crowd. Only close friends and family knew about the adoption, so most people didn’t even know I’d been pregnant since my dad had covered it up. Seeing Lincoln and me with a young girl would definitely bring up some questions for those who knew us.
Once we made it to the ride, we waited at the end of the line. After a few minutes had passed, I heard a familiar voice, “Liv?”
I turned around and smiled when I saw who’d called me. “Hey, Beth.”
Beth’s eyes darted over to Lincoln, and a sly smile curved her lips. “Hey, Linc. Good to see you two together.”
Lincoln grinned. “Long time, no see, Beth. How’s Ryan?”
“He’s good. He’s waiting in line with the kids at the Ferris wheel.” She held up two beers in her hands. “I went to get reinforcements.”
I chuckled as Beth’s gaze landed on Piper. Her eyes widened, and she gasped. “Oh my God, is this Piper?”
I smiled, placing my hands on Piper’s shoulders. “It is.”
Beth glanced from me to Piper several times. “She looks just like you, Liv.” Her lips curved up in a smile, and she shook her head. “Wow, this is just … amazing.”
I looked over at Piper, then Lincoln, grateful for my second chance with them. “Isn’t it?”
Beth pulled me into a hug. “I’m so happy for you, Liv.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you.”
She pulled back and sighed. “Well, I better get back. We should all get together some time.”
“That would be fun. Text me,” I replied.
“I will.” She looked down at Piper and smiled. “It was nice to meet you, Piper. And good to see you, Linc.”
Lincoln nodded. “You too, Beth. Tell Ryan I said hi.”
After Beth left, Lincoln turned to me. “She hasn’t changed one bit.”
I chuckled. “Nope, she hasn’t.”
“Who was that?” Piper asked.
I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled. “One of my friends from school.”
A grin tipped Lincoln’s lips. “It’d be nice to get the whole gang together again; you, me, Tommy, Beth,” Lincoln stated.
I smiled up at him. “It would, wouldn’t it?”
He draped an arm around my shoulder. “Yeah, like old times.”
“Except now we’re legally able to drink.”
Lincoln laughed. “True. We don’t have to worry about getting caught by the cops or our parents.”
We moved forward in line, almost reaching the front. Lincoln gestured to the ride. “You gonna get on?”