Page 714 of Not Over You
“I’m so glad to hear that. I can’t wait to meet her tomorrow.”
“Me either. I’ll text you the address.”
After a few minutes of chatting, I ended the call and went to find Lincoln and Piper. They were in the barn getting the cows ready for milking.
Lincoln glanced up at me and grinned. “Hey, Momma. Ready to help us milk some cows?”
Piper giggled as I shook my head, fighting back a smile. “Sure.”
He gestured for me to come over, then patted the stool next to the cow. “My best cow for my best girls.”
I playfully rolled my eyes, unable to suppress the laughter that escaped me. I sat down next to Piper as Lincoln handed us gloves.
“Your mom and I milked the cows a few weeks ago. She’s a pro now.”
Piper glanced at me as I snorted. “Hardly.” I slipped on the gloves. “Your dad is the pro—he’s been milking cows since he could walk.”
Lincoln laughed as he grabbed a soapy sponge from a bucket. “First, you have to wash the udder to get rid of any dirt or bacteria.” He lathered the cow’s udder and teats, making sure to scrub the entire area clean before rinsing and gently drying the cow off. Then he put on his gloves.
Piper did the same, watching intently as Lincoln grabbed a teat with each hand. “You have to be firm yet gentle. The cow’s teats are very sensitive, so if you’re too rough, it may hurt them, and they’ll try to run or kick you.”
Piper nodded, and I smiled. I loved watching her interact with Lincoln, especially when he was teaching her something.
Lincoln tugged on one of the teats. “Now, the first three or four squirts you don’t want to get in your milk bucket. They’re just to get the cow warmed up and expel any dirt, soap or water that might have gotten in the udder.”
He moved a bucket under the cow’s udder and started tugging on the teats, streaming milk into the bucket. He milked for a few seconds before looking at Piper. “Your turn.”
Piper stiffened slightly. “But I’m scared.”
Lincoln chuckled. “Scared of what?”
She darted her eyes to me, then at Lincoln. “I don’t want to hurt the cow or get kicked.”
“We won’t let that happen.” I scooted closer to her. “How about I help you?”
“Okay.” Piper nodded, her posture relaxing.
I gestured to the udder. “Now, carefully grab one with each of your hands.”
Piper cautiously did as I’d instructed, and I put my hands over hers. “Now, we’re going to gently pull down on each one, alternating back and forth.”
I lightly squeezed her hands and gingerly tugged on the left teat, then the right one. Milk squirted into the bucket, and a huge grin lit up Piper’s face. We milked the cow for a few minutes before I let go, and Piper continued by herself.
“That a girl,” Lincoln praised, smiling proudly.
I placed my hand on her back. “See, nothing to be afraid of. You’re doing it perfectly all by yourself.”
Once we had a full bucket, we took it inside to pasteurize the milk, then chill it. As Lincoln put the last bottle in the fridge, he said, “We have to let this chill for a few hours before we can make the ice cream. It should be ready after dinner.”
“Okay,” Piper replied. “What’s next?”
“How about we tend to the horses next?”
Piper clapped her hands. “Yay! I can’t wait to see Buttercup!”
We headed to the stables, and Piper made a beeline for Buttercup. Lincoln walked up behind her. “You ready to learn how to be a good stable hand?”
Piper nodded. “Yes!”