Page 724 of Not Over You
“Love what?” my daughter’s voice sounded behind me. She was wearing a cute dress complete with a rainbow tutu and unicorn headband.
Emily quickly closed the lid of the cake box. “A surprise, sweetie.”
Piper groaned. “I’m tired of surprises.”
Lincoln laughed. “You sound just like Momma Liv. She hates surprises.” He knelt next to Piper and pretended to whisper in her ear. “But she secretly loves them.”
I rolled my eyes, failing to suppress a smile as Piper giggled.
Emily went back into party mode, running through the agenda with me. “They’re going to start with pizza and party games when everyone gets here, then let the kids go play for an hour. After that, we’ll meet back in here and have cake and open presents.”
“Sounds great. What else do you need help with?”
Emily glanced around. “I think everything is pretty much done. Tablecloths, plates, napkins, hats, cake table, present table.” She pursed her lips as her brown eyes scanned the room. “Oh, I almost forgot the goodie bags.”
“Where are they?” I asked. “I can get them for you.”
“They’re in the car,” she answered before calling out to her husband, “Tim, I forgot the goodie bags in the car—can you go get them?”
“Sure, honey,” Tim replied.
About fifteen minutes later, the guests started to arrive. Lincoln and I stood in one corner of the room, making sure not to get in the way of the employees or any of the party attendees.
Even though I was thrilled to be at my daughter’s party, I felt out of place as Tim and Emily greeted the parents and other children. And it rubbed in just how little a part we played in Piper’s life.
Lincoln’s arm came around my shoulders, breaking me from my pity party. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
I sighed as I watched everyone mingle. “This just makes me realize how much we’ve missed. And how we aren’t her real parents. We don’t know any of her friends or teachers. We have no idea who any of these people are.”
Lincoln didn’t respond for several minutes, most likely thinking of the best thing to say. He rubbed my shoulder when he finally replied, “We can’t dwell on the past, Liv. It sucks that we didn’t get to be her real parents, but at least we get to be a part of her life now. And we should be thankful for that.”
He always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. I stood taller, smiling. “You’re right. I’m not just going to sulk and wallow all day. It’s our daughter’s tenth birthday!”
He squeezed my shoulder. “That’s my girl.”
Lincoln’s parents walked in, and he waved them over. Tim and Emily greeted them, as well, taking the presents they brought from them.
After hugging Piper, they joined us. Mrs. Bennett watched the children as they ran around the room, giggling and playing. “I’d forgotten how crazy these parties are.”
A few minutes later, my mom showed up. I waved at her, and she quickly made her way over to me. “Hey, Mom.”
She handed me Piper’s gift, then hugged me. “Hi, sweetheart. Where’s the birthday girl?”
My eyes scanned the room as I searched from Piper in the group of kids running around. “Right there.” I pointed her out when I found her.
Tim and Emily came over to us. “Is everyone doing okay? Anyone need anything to drink?”
“We’re great, thank you, but I would like to introduce you to my mom,” I replied.
After introducing my mother to Tim and Emily, the party host announced, “Find a seat, please. Time for pizza!”
The time between pizza and presents was a blur. We followed Piper as she tried all the different attractions and games, and I loved seeing the smile on her face. I filled up the memory on my phone with pictures, trying to capture every moment, but watching her blow out the candles on the cake was my favorite part.
Lincoln and I bought Piper her own personal saddle for Buttercup and a tablet. His parents bought her some riding boots and dolls, and my mom got her some puzzles and craft kits. And she got tons of other gifts from her friends and Tim and Emily.
Lincoln and I helped Tim and Emily clean up and load Piper’s presents into their car.
“She made out like a bandit,” Lincoln joked.