Page 735 of Not Over You
I broke eye contact with Lincoln and turned to the doctor. “Can we see her now?”
Dr. Williams smiled. “Of course.”
We followed her through several hallways and double doors before she led us into a room. Even though I’d prepared myself for that moment since I’d gotten the call, nothing could’ve prepared me for how I felt once I saw my baby girl lying in that hospital bed.
“Lincoln,” I whimpered, reaching for his hand. I needed him more than ever. No matter where we stood, I knew he’d always be there for me, especially when it came to Piper.
She looked so tiny in the oversized bed. Tubes and wires seemed to be connected all over her body, and her left arm was elevated in a cast. Several cuts and bruises marred her beautiful face, out of place among her fair skin and freckles.
He squeezed my hand and pulled me close, comforting me. My eyes stung with tears and I couldn’t hold myself together anymore.
Lincoln’s arms came around me as I buried my face in his chest and started to sob. I felt like I was living my worst nightmare, and there was nothing I could do to wake up from it.
He started rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me. I felt his chest moving as he spoke, asking the doctor questions. I was too overwhelmed with emotion to comprehend what they were saying.
“It’s okay, Liv,” Lincoln murmured against my hair as he held me close. “She’s going to be okay.”
I pulled back to look up at him. “How do you know?”
He smiled, then wiped the tears from cheeks. “Because the doc said so. Ain’t that right, Doctor?”
I looked over my shoulder at Dr. Williams, who nodded. “She’s going to be fine. It looks worse than it actually is.”
I exhaled a breath of relief. “Oh, thank God.”
“She should be waking up soon. Child services should be here within the hour to go over the case with you,” the doctor informed us before walking toward the door. “I’ll let you have some privacy before they arrive.”
“Thank you,” Lincoln said as I approached Piper. Her eyes were closed, and her chest slowly rose and fell. She looked terrible, and I kept replaying what Dr. Williams said over in my head to keep myself together.
I sat in the chair next to the hospital bed and took Piper’s small hand in mine. Lincoln pulled up a chair next to me and placed his larger hand over ours. He smiled softly at me.
So many emotions swam through me from the accident, and I was completely overwhelmed. I sobbed as Lincoln draped his free arm around me, murmuring words of love and comfort as he stroked my hair.
After a few minutes, I pulled back and wiped my face. Lincoln grinned softly at me. “Everything is going to be okay.”
A small smile tipped my lips. Even with our current situation, I knew he was right. No matter what happened, we would face it together. Piper’s accident had made me realize that I needed to let go of my fear and insecurities and let my heart guide me. I knew Lincoln would never let me down, and I needed to be worthy of the love he unconditionally gave me.
“Momma Liv?” a weak voice murmured.
My head snapped toward Piper, who was staring at me with her brow furrowed. I squeezed her hand. “Yes, baby. I’m here.”
She blinked a few times. It was apparent that the drugs were making her hazy from her clouded eyes and sluggish movements. “What’s going on?”
More emotion rushed through me, clogging my throat. I looked at Lincoln, unable to speak for fear of breaking down.
“You were in a car accident, sweetheart,” Lincoln said, squeezing Piper’s and my conjoined hands. “You’re in the hospital.”
She frowned, obviously confused. “Where are Mom and Dad?”
I swallowed the lump in my throat, holding in the tears threatening to spill. Lincoln glanced at me, his eyes full of concern, then took Piper’s hand in both of his.
He exhaled a weighted breath. “They didn’t make it, baby. I’m so sorry.”
Piper didn’t say anything for several moments as she processed the information, her forehead creased in confusion. Her bottom lip quivered as her eyes flitted back and forth between Lincoln and me. “They’re dead?” Her voice cracked as she spoke.
Tears trickled down my cheeks as I watched my daughter struggle with the news of her parents’ deaths. Sobs wracked her small body as she broke down and cried. I immediately leaned over to take her in my arms, wanting to take all her pain away even though I couldn’t.
So I did the only thing I could. I held her as she clung tightly to me, sobbing against my chest. And I cried with her.