Page 750 of Not Over You
“Thanks, Mike. I appreciate it. Oh, and don’t worry about me, I’ve got this.” With a nod, he closes the door and leaves me to my own thoughts.
I yank on the bottom drawer of my desk and grab the expensive bottle of bourbon that’s hiding in the back. I hate grabbing a drink for a minute of fortitude, but I know one shot will mellow me out for the night ahead. It’s difficult seeing my brother on the best of days, and tonight is no exception to the rule. One small glass should be enough to stop me from killing my older sibling. Believe me, the thought has crossed my mind more than once.
My heart’s pounding as I tip the bottle and pour the amber liquid inside the glass that sits atop my desk. Always ready for these special occasions. I screw on the cap and tuck it back inside its hiding place. Out of sight, out of mind. With the glass in the palm of my hand, I lean back in my chair and inhale. Trying to calm my rapid heartbeat. Don’t get me wrong, if I were to meet my brother on the street or if he had come to my house when I asked, I wouldn’t have this feeling of impending doom. But he’s going to be in my club and that has me feeling a bit anxious. I knew this day would come eventually, but I was hoping it wouldn’t be during such an important event.
Bringing the glass to my lips, I take a swig and let the alcohol ignite a fiery path down my throat. Preparing me for the hundred proof that’s about to plummet into an empty stomach. I quickly down the rest in one gulp and immediately feel the warmth creeping into my gut. You’d think because I’m a club owner I’d be used to the burn, but the truth is I don’t normally touch the shit. I’m a social drinker at best, and I’ve been known to nurse the same damn drink all night long. Being a control freak, I like having my wits about me thank you very much. Normally, I have one or two beers but tonight I’m living on the edge.
Standing up, I stride into my private bathroom and rinse out my glass, brush my teeth and straighten my tie. When I walk back into my office, I set the glass in its original spot and stand in front of the one-way mirror. I purposely have my desk facing the opposite way so as not to get distracted. It would be easy for me to watch all the goings on at Club Syn and not get any of my own work done. I have the option of closing the privacy screen but for some reason it makes me feel extremely claustrophobic. Perhaps it’s the lack of natural light, but whatever the case may be I prefer keeping it opened.
After observing the hustle and bustle of the club for several minutes, I would say everything was running quite smoothly. There was never a doubt in my mind that my staff could handle both sides. And if all goes well, they’ll get one hefty bonus at the end of this month.
With a deep breath, I stride over to the door. My last thought as I turn the knob is, Give me the strength to make it through my darkest hour.
Today was grueling but I had such a wonderful time catching up with my readers and fellow authors.
Now that the book signing is over, all I want to do is go back to my hotel and sleep for a week. Natalie knows how draining it is for me to be around crowds for a long period of time. So, what does she do? Signs me up for the afterparty. To say I was livid would be an understatement. I flat out refused to go, and when she told me everything was already bought and paid for, even my dress, I relented. I’ve let her down so many times in the past that I guess you could say I felt obligated.
Now, I’m anxiously waiting in the lobby for my limo driver to pick me up. How the hell am I supposed to know if he’s out there with all the limos coming and going?
Just when I’m about to give up, my phone vibrates inside of my purse. I can’t help groaning when I see Natalie’s number appear on the screen. What now? Oh, maybe the limo’s stuck in traffic and I can just go to my room instead. A feeling of giddiness washes through me when I swipe the call.
“Lili, where are you right now?”
I glance around and suddenly wonder if I missed something. “Um, in the lobby of my hotel waiting for my limo.”
“Oh, good. I was afraid you had a change of heart. I’ll text him and send him right in.”
“No need to send him in, Nat. I can meet him by the curb if you just let me know what damn limo. I swear they all look the same to me.”
“I’m not referring to your driver, silly. I’m sending in your date.”
My what?
“Natalie, you’re joking, right? Why would you do this to me?”
“I’m feeling a tad bit guilty because I couldn’t go with you tonight. Besides, Zack is sex on a stick and I just want you to have some fun for a change.” Fun? This is not fun.
It’s humiliating.
I’m praying for the floor to open and swallow me whole when someone from behind me says, “Give Nat my love.” Oh god, if that deep, raspy voice belongs to my date I’ll just fucking die. He must have heard every damn word of this conversation.
This can’t be happening to me. I whisper, “You’re fired,” into my phone and I’m met with a soft chuckle before I disconnect the call. She thinks I’m joking but this is no laughing matter.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Lili. My name’s Zack and I’ll be escorting you to the afterparty. Let me take a wild guess. You didn’t personally ask for me to take you to Club Syn tonight?”
I hate that Natalie put me in this kind of situation. I know it’s not his fault, so I’m going to make the best of it. I just hope he gets paid for the whole night whether I stay for five minutes or five hours. I plaster my come-hither smile before turning around. And, I’m not prepared for what stands before me. Or should I say, towers over me. Lean, sexy and drool-worthy.
His eyes drink me in from head to toe and I can’t help feeling a flutter of excitement. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen that look on a handsome man’s face. But it quickly dissipates when I remember he’s getting paid to take me to the party. After all, it’s his job to be nice to his clients. That’s how he gets his callbacks. Well, I’ve no doubt he’s good at what he does but I decide in that moment that I won’t be needing him tonight. Or any other night for that matter. A few deep breaths and I’m ready to put him out of his misery. “No, I didn’t. In fact, I won’t be needing your services tonight, Zack. I’m quite capable of going to a party all by myself. I’ll see to it that you still get compensated for your time.”
When I turn to walk out the door, he grabs my elbow and stops me dead in my tracks. I don’t turn around, but my heart picks up a notch. I can feel his body heat against my back and his warm breath tickles my ear when he whispers, “Contrary to what you might think, I’m not worried about the money. On the other hand, my reputation could be at stake if I allowed you to go to the club without me. No is not an option, Lili. Besides, what kind of a gentleman would I be if I allowed a beautiful woman such as yourself to walk into the club alone?”
I’m sure Zack doesn’t get turned down very often. Especially since most of them are paying customers. It makes me wonder if he has a girlfriend and what she thinks about the career he’s chosen for himself. The last thing I want to do is give in, but I understand how important it is to keep up appearances. After all, isn’t that what I’ve been trying to accomplish for the last few months?
“All right then. Let’s get this over with, shall we.” God, I sound like a bitch, but I can’t help it. I hate feeling obligated into doing something I don’t want to do. Natalie will surely get a piece of my mind tomorrow when I’ve had a chance to cool down.
This will never happen again.